  • 學位論文


Applying Super Hero Style of American Animation to A Creative Work-Role Design of the Farsighted and Well-Informed Persons

指導教授 : 陳圳卿


隨著電腦科技的精進,電腦動畫技術已經大量運用在商業電影並發展為經濟產業,其中的佼佼者便是美式動畫電影。台灣的動畫產業也逐漸邁向重視自我品牌之發展,而建立自我品牌首要之務便是設計動畫角色。美式動畫超級英雄一向為市場上動畫設計風格之主要代表,借鏡其設計於具有台灣文化意涵之動畫角色設計應有助於台灣的動畫產業發展。本研究的目的即為透過對於美式動畫英雄角色的探討,融入具台灣文化代表性之媽祖護衛千里眼與順風耳 (千順將軍) 角色設計並建置於互動平台,提供有興趣之創作者進行創作。研究第一階段以問卷調查得知代表性之美式超級英雄角色以進行設計元素分析,第二階段為進行千順將軍造型創作,最後階段再透過觸控互動裝置上的創作平台建置提供設計者進行操作並以問卷調查得知其回饋。 研究結果顯示使用者對千順將軍角色互動創作裝置大多具有正面的回饋。多數使用者認為以超級英雄風格融入在神將文化中是合適的,可提供台灣動畫在基礎角色設計上之參考,且造型風格融入效果良好。本研究之結論如下:(1) 分析案例角色造型時,可套用幾何物件組合做為外貌表現之依據;(2) 融入外來風格以突顯傳統民俗文化特色為首要考量;(3) 創作民俗神將角色以特異處、特異能力與職業身份為設計重點;(4) 友善的互動創作介面可提升角色設計之興趣;(5) 未來可進一步建構互動創作成果素材資料庫,便於後續參考、研究與發展。


With the innovation of digital technology, computer animation technology has been massively applied to commercial movie and become an economic industry. American style animation movie is the most common for people. In Taiwan, animation is also gradually changing towards self-brand, and designing animation character is the first thing to develop self-branded animation. The superhero of American animation is a main representative in the market. Borrowing the image from American superhero style could be helpful for the development of Taiwan's animation industry. The aim of this study is to study American superhero style, and to apply it to the design of animation character of Mazu's bodyguards, the Farsighted and Well-Informed persons, a famous representation of Taiwanese in the touch panel and allow users to create their character. This study contains three steps. Firstly, using a questionnaire to identify the representative of American superhero and to analyse the animation design elements. Secondly, carrying out creation of Farsighted and Well-Informed persons. Thirdly, developing an interactive animation creating platform, with touch panel, to allow users to create their characters, in which users’ feedback from questionnaires and performance are recorded for further analysis. The results of this study shows positive feedback from users. Most participants agree that borrowing the image from American superhero style to design Taiwanese character is appropriate. It provides good reference for designing character with Taiwan culture. The conclusions were presented as follows: (1) Geometry modeling can be used on the analysis of the form of animation character. (2) The application of external style should focus on highlighting traditional culture. (3) Peculiarity of animation character should be a focus on creation. (4) A user-friendly interface will attract users’ interest on the creative work. (5) Future work can be focused on the development of animation material database to enhance the practicability.


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