  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Applying Customized Homework to Chinese Remedial Teaching in Junior High School

指導教授 : 張嘉育


本研究旨在探究客製化家庭作業運用於國中國文補救教學後,對學生國文學習成效之影響與實施過程之遭遇問題及解決策略。本研究採取行動研究法,以國中一年級某班7名國文學習低成就學生為研究對象,進行為期9週之研究。研究工具包括:國文學習成效評量卷(段考試卷)、學生自評表、學生訪談紀錄表、教學省思札記等。將所得資料整理與分析後,本研究獲致以下結論: 一、客製化家庭作業運用於國中國文補救教學,對學生認知、情意及技能三方面之學習成效的提升有顯著效果。 二、客製化家庭作業乃依據個別學生學習需求來設計,因此能提升其學習信心、增強學習意願,使學生更主動學習。 三、實施客製化家庭作業,能提升學生資料查詢及語文運用的能力。 四、實施客製化家庭作業過程中,教師遭遇了學生無法準時繳交作業、學生未養成主動尋求答案之習慣、個別講解之時間難尋等問題;而學生則是遇到家長難以提供協助、對開放性問題無從下手、題目之閱讀理解仍有些許困難等問題,經研究者反思、擬定策略及執行後獲致改善。 最後,依據研究發現與結論提出建議,以作為未來國中國文教學及後續研究的參考。


The purposes of this study were to investigate the influence on students’ Chinese learning after applying customized homework to Chinese remedial teaching in junior high school, and to explore the problems encountered in the process and solution strategies. Seven seventh-graders of low achievement participated in the action research for nine-week Chinese teaching. The tools the researcher used were Chinese learning achievement tests (eg. periodical test sheets), students’ self-assessment forms, interviews, and the researcher’s reflective journal. Based on the findings of the study, the results indicated as follows: First, the results of applying customized homework to Chinese remedial teaching showed obvious improvement in students’ learning, including the cognitive, affective, and technical domains. Second, customized homework was designed according to individual student’s learning demands. It increased students’ confidence in learning, promoted students’ learning motivation, and, furthermore, elicited students’ active learning. Third, implementing customized homework improved students’ abilities to search information and use languages. Fourth, in the process of applying customized homework into Chinese teaching, both teachers and students encountered a number of problems. Teachers’ problems were: Students couldn’t hand in their homework on time, students didn’t get into the habit of finding out answers activley, and it was hard to find time for individual instruction. As for students, what they faced were: Their parents couldn’t provide help for them, they had no idea to deal with opening questions, and they had some difficiulty in comprehending the meanings of questions. The above problems were solved after the researcher adopted various strategies deliberatively. Finally, according to the research results, suggestions in Chinese teaching and for future studies were provided.


