  • 學位論文


Development of a High Tech. Fab Energy Simulation (FES) Software

指導教授 : 胡石政


我國電子業主耍以半導體及光電製造為主,依2013 年台電資料,電子製造業耗電佔我國總電力17.16%,以無塵室為生產基地之廠房耗能為其大宗,年耗約500 億度電,與石化業近,甚高於全國住宅耗電,可見高科技製造業實為一高耗能產業。以半導體廠為例, 廠務系統佔全廠耗電約50%,製程設備約佔46%, office 耗電約佔 4%;其中空調、及排氣系統等又佔廠務系統七成以上。除歲修外,大部份的廠務為24 小時運轉,因此節約廠務系統用電,可將空調列為第一優先。高科技廠房(high tech fabrication plant, 簡稱 Fab),有別於一般商用空調系統,需要大量外氣的引入,因此常將外氣與循環空氣分別處理,外氣以外氣空調箱獨立處理,這樣做的好處是節省了風管的設置空間及風管壓損造成的耗能。eQUEST 與DOE II 等一般建築耗能分析軟体, 其所能處理之空調系統為外氣與回風混合再經由空調箱處理之集中式系統,不能處理需要大量外氣引入之高科技廠房空調架構。且沒有包含如製程冷卻水系統、壓縮乾空氣系統、氮氣系統、真空系統、以及排氣系統等之廠務系統用電。Fab 製程設備的冷卻和eQUEST, DOE II 等所處理的亦不相同,Fab 主要的製程設備大多有用到製程冷卻水。因此在高科技廠房的綠建築標章之推行, 若只含蓋建築耗能,則可謂見樹不見林。長久以來沒有以 Fab 為主要標的耗能分析軟体。有鑑於此,開發一高科技廠房耗能模擬軟體(Fab Energy Simulation, FES)作為節能案例評估之輔助用。FES計算高科技廠房之空調系統、製程機台(Tool)、廠務系統、燈具、風機與水泵耗電。FES在MAU耗能計算擁有創新的功能,使用者可自行排列MAU內元件與選擇各元件的出口控制方式,與其他軟體相比更為符合實際情況。FES已與ISMI CleanCalc II驗證比較誤差在7%內,與實際8吋晶圓廠驗證比較誤差則在4%內,因此FES具有一定的可信度。本篇利用FES對8吋晶圓廠進行多種的節能案例分析,得知直接從設備上進行節能改善,可獲得較高的節能效益;反之,直接在末端元件或空氣側進行節能改善,則獲得的節能效益並不高。


The electronic industry in Taiwan mainly focuses on semiconductor and optoelectronic manufacturing. In accordance with the electricity-consumption data of Taiwan Power Company in 2013, the power consumption of electronic manufacturing sector occupies 17.16% (about 50 billion kWh) of the total power consumption in Taiwan, of which consumes on those clean room based fabrication plants (hereafter referred Fab). This very high value shows that the high-tech manufacturing is actually a high-energy consuming industry. Semiconductor Fab, for example, factory facility shares about a half of the total plant power consumption, while process equipment accounts for about 46%, office accounts for another 4%. In the facility sector, air conditioning, and exhaust system etc. accounted for more than 70% of the electricity consumption. In addition to annual maintenance, most Fabs run a 24-hour operation mode. Thus, to save the power consumption of the facility system, air conditioning can be classified as the first priority. High-tech Fabs are different from those commercial buildings. A Fab needs a lot of outside air, while outside air and circulating air often treated separately. In such arrangement, a great energy on transporting air and ductworks can be saved. eQUEST and DOE II, the general building energy analysis software, can only handle the air-conditioning system for the outside air mixed with return air through the centralized system, which is totally different from that of Fab air-conditioning system. Plus, the eQUEST and DOE II does not include electricity consumption items, such as process cooling water system, compressed dry air system, nitrogen system, vacuum system, and exhaust system. Fab process equipment cooling system is not included in the eQUEST, DOE II modules either. For the implementation of green building labeling system on Fabs, it should not focus only the energy consumption on building envelops or offices. Over the years, no dedicate Fab energy analysis software is available. In this study, a Fab Eenergy Simulation (FES) software was developed. which with features such as: open source code, with Chinese interface, takes the full year of outside air data into account, capable of handling the general adopted air-conditioning modes. Power consumption of each system will also be explored with various energy-saving designs. With the same input data, the percentage difference of output between the FES and that of ISMI Cleancal II is less than 7% in each output category. The software was also verified by the power consumption data of an operating 8 in wafer Fab, with less than 4% in each output category. Increasing the COP of chiller or decreasing the power consumption of process tools enable a higher overall fab energy conservation effect. On the contrary, the saving in electrical consumption was not so significant when the energy efficient improvement was only on the end terminal or air side element.


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