  • 學位論文


Developing the Electromagnetic Induction Generator for Ground Energy Harvesting

指導教授 : 丁振卿


本論文主要在研究開發電磁感應式地面發電裝置,裝置主要由發電機與傳動機構兩部分組成,其中,發電機部分乃由外壁繞有線圈的線圈管及其內部往復移動的強力磁鐵,再加上線圈管兩端可交互斥推管內強力磁鐵的磁鐵盤所組成,當管內強力磁鐵受兩端磁鐵盤斥推並往復穿過線圈時,即可感應產生電動勢;傳動機構部分則透過齒輪與曲柄的搭配組合,衝程約3-5mm。 本研究工作主要在進行電磁感應式地面發電裝置開發,探討線圈管的材質、能量密度的提升及裝置使用壽命等,另外也探討了電磁感應式地面發電裝置的機構擺放方式、傳動方式、磁鐵錯位及線圈錯位。本地面發電裝置透過單向軸承與連動桿件之傳動機構以擷取行人行走時施加於地面之能量,再透過齒輪傳動機構將衝程放大以帶動發電機發電。 本研究使用之線圈管由本實驗室自製之繞線機進行製作,所使用之漆包線為線徑0.45mm之圓銅線,線圈匝數約1000匝,線圈寬度約3-3.2cm,此外,本研究還針對多層式線圈管進行研究,利用磁鐵盤 與管上線圈同時錯位的方式進行電相錯位,以利整流後之電力匯聚的穩定輸出。最後,本研究工作自製負載自動切換量測裝置進行發電機之效率量測,並透過Labivew程式、PLC可程式控制器、示波器、電路放大器等裝置來控制視訊器、負載自動切換裝置等,進行自動化監控量測,使用Labview程式結合MySQL資料庫完成全自動監控裝置,節省監控系統所可能耗費的龐大費用,並提昇監控工作之即時性與準確性。結果顯示,當一個80kg的人行走於人行道上時,約可提供路面36.4joule的能量,跑步時則約可提供164joule的能量,而本電磁感應式地面發電裝置之初期效率約13%


This paper aims to develop the electromagnetic induction generator for ground energy harvesting, which is mainly composed of generator and transmission. The generator is built in electric coil tube, where a NdFeB magnet is inside it for electric induction with reciprocating motion. The outer two sides of the electric coil tube have two movable NdFeB magnets plates which alternately moves close to the electric coil tube and shoves the inner NdFeB magnet to run through the electric coil. This action yields induced electromotive force in the electric coil. The transmission consists of gears and cranks, the stroke of this generator is about 3-5mm. This work mainly develops the electromagnetic induction generator for ground energy harvesting. The studied parameters are material of the electric coil tube, improvement of the energy density, and lifetime of the generator. Moreover, this work also studies the setting style of the generator, the transmission ways, and the alternation between the electric coil and magnet. The electromagnetic induction generator for ground energy harvesting uses single way bearing and connecting bar to capture the power which is generated by the walking people. It uses gears and cranks to enlarge stroke for effectively driving the generator. The electric coil is made by using the winding machine which is built by our CCT laboratory. The electric coil uses lacquered wire of 0.45mm diameter to make about 1000 turns on the tube, the width of the electric coil is about 3-3.2cm. Moreover, this work also studies multi-level electric coils using the alternation of the electric coil and magnet to build electricity with alternating phase. Such output electric power can easier be converged together and close to steady state. At last, this work builds the apparatus for efficiency measurements using the automatic switching load which is controlled and monitored by Labview program, programmable logic controller, oscilloscope, and ULN2002 chip. Connecting Labview program and the freeware MySQL database can reduce the cost, enhance the timeliness and accuracy of monitoring work. The results show that the walking people produce about 36.4 joule energy on the ground and jogging produce about 164 joule energy. The preliminary working efficiency of the ground electric generator in this work is ca. 13%.


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