  • 學位論文


A Study of Treasure Hill Village Preservation Mechanism

指導教授 : 蔡淑瑩


寶藏巖為國內第一個劃定歷史聚落保存區,並以聚落「活」保存為前提之案例,於聚落內興建中繼住宅現地安置原住戶並以參與式規劃依據居民實際需求,修舊如舊之後,使安置後之居民順利搬遷入住及引入藝術家進駐之藝居共生政策,是為全國首創。藉由活保存及聚落活化再利用,地方政府針對聚落人際網絡及社區架構盤點整理,對於後續營運管理及營運機制,應建立聚落活保存的政策。 本研究藉由觀察、深入訪談、案例分析等方法,進行研究與探討。比對國內案例,並訪談產方、官方、學界、居民、及駐村藝術家等五方共十五位以深入訪談進行全案推動至今的反思,瞭解寶藏巖聚落活保存之立場及關係作為論證基礎;訪談結果發現多數居民懷念在中繼住宅居住之環境,藉由聚落內興建型式、空間格局、性能、使用感受等面向,於規劃、安置、工程期間期間仍應從家的認同感的營造及生活品質的兼顧尋求「生活適應」,應是當代最具人性化的保存模式。 反思公部門執行聚落活保存操作之程序是否得宜,以案例分析進行探討以因應生活紋理脈絡推導出保存相關的聚落管理事務涉及不同族群之不同需求及認知觀點,所需整併事項龐雜繁多,亟須找出有效率的制度化;經由本研究歸結整理出聚落保存工作應以「人的保存」、「空間的保存」、「活動的保存」為活保存之主要三大元素,藉以推動「聚落活保存」機制。把聚落內有紀念性的、具共同回憶的、有價值的過程、及社區人際網絡保存及紀錄下來。


Treasure Hill is the first delineation of the historic preservation district, and was under the principal of "live” Traditional Settlement preservation.The Village was kept the same district,and introduces new residential housing; the planning was according to the original residents’ needs and activity pattern. After the repairing of the Village as in its original state, merging the original residents and Artist to Settle was the first ever been done in Taiwan. By using the active preservation methodology and reuse of the Traditional Settlement, local government can consolidate the Settlement’s interpersonal networks and community structure, subsequently benefit to the future operation and management and to established the policy for the Traditional Settlements preservation. Research is to use, Observation, Interviews, Case study…etc methods to explore the topic. To compare the domestic case, interviews with Operation, Government, Academics and the Artist and from this five-parties in depth interview, will also review the Treasure Hill Privation’s program and justify its perspectives and relationship for the base of the Thesis; interview shows the majority of residents misses re-settlement environment, the settlement structure, space pattern, building performance, occupancy reflects shall be considered “Family Identity”, “Life Quality” and “Living Adaption” at Planning, Re-Settlement and Construction period to introduce a contemporary humane preservation method. To re-think whether Governments’ actuation of the Live Preservation of the Settlement operation program is appropriate. From the case study, analysis of the extended zone of living pattern and the record of the investigated perspectives from settlement management and promoters, the public sector, the original tenants, operating units, artists, tourists etc. shows the different needs of different ethnic groups and the consolidation requires handling heterogeneous matters and require a effective program.Conclusion of the study is to focus on the “People Preservation”, “Space Preservation” and “Activities Preservation” as the 3 main elements and promote “Live Preservation of Traditional Settlement” to operate. Therefore, the memorial, memory, process and social network will be recorded and preserved.


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