  • 學位論文


Married Women’s Psyschological Content to the Construct of Home

指導教授 : 喬凌浩




住屋 家庭 心理需求 家領域 隱私 個人空間


The aim of this thesis is to investigate the content standard of Taipei married women’s three psychological needs, consists of Self-identity, Positive-stimulation, and security, which are essential to home territory. Also this investigation intends to analyse the correlation within these three essential psyschological needs. By SPSS statistic analysis, we obtain that exceed to the content standard are all of these three essential psychological needs, as well as the quality of residential environment settings. Besides, there is interative correlation between these essential psyschological needs. Positive-stimulation and Security are the most correlated, then the less correlated are Security and Self-identity. Furthermore, the Frequencies statistic analyse demonstrates that these 3 essential psychological needs are influenced by personal background such as ages, marriage condition, education level, parents living together, children, owning reading room, education degree, as well as the work schedule. Self-identity is influenced by ages, marriage condition, parents living together, education, residential situation, as well as work schedule. Positive-stimulation is obviously influenced by parents living together and owning reading room. Security is merely influenced by the work schedule. Then, we obtain such a conclusion as that Taipei women’s psychological content to the construct of home is not only influenced by paternity, but influenced demonstrably by Self-identity, Positive-stimulation, as well as Security-needs.


Home, house family psyschological needs home territory privacy personal space


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