  • 學位論文


Study of Implementing a Healthcare Platform for Companion Animal

指導教授 : 劉立




With the trend of aging society with fewer children, the companion animal has become the family member. The human should have the treatment pet also to have. China is a rabies epidemic area, frequent personnel exchanges and rampant smuggling between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits, to increasing dog and cat rabies vaccination can be effective to preventing the spread of rabies. Content management system used to build this platform, a clear interface , users and managers can easily get started. The system is based on Joomla , then install the appropriate modules and components, write a pet healthcare components program, integrate phpBB discussion group to increase the social networking service, as well as to connect pet hospital information system, pet medical records can be searched. This research uses the way of Internet questionnaire to assess user satisfaction. The average user satisfaction score was 4.05 points (total score is 5 points). The lowest satisfaction scores topic is the information content richness, its score is 3.22 points. The highest satisfaction scores topic is the pet owners can get the right pet health information and help them to promote pet health and prevention disease, its score is 4.48 points. According to statistics results, shows that this study is the consistency of very satisfied to satisfied, confirmed the study process and results of this research. With the popularity of the Internet and increase in the frequency of people surf the Internet, the pet owner can surf the Internet to record and management pet healthy condition at any time. To take care of your pet's health, zoonosis can be avoided, and to protect human health.


楊姮稜、黃慧璧、梁碩麟、陳光陽、賴秀穂,台灣地區飼主與獸醫師及飼主與寵物間關係之研究:以國立台灣大學農學院附設家畜醫院為例,中華獸醫誌,21(5), 第316-325頁,台北,1995。
