  • 學位論文

政府機構勞動派遣實務之研究 ─政府機構與派遣服務業之觀點

A Study on Labor Dispatch Practices in Government Offices - A Perspective from Government Offices and Dispatch Service Businesses

指導教授 : 郭 敏 珣


勞動派遣從一九九○年代以後逐漸成為人力資源的重要一環,經濟景氣被視為是一個重要因素。不僅私人企業,為了提升效率和競爭力,政府機構在近年來開始以派遣、外包等非典型工作取代原本組織內部份的人力。甚至在可預見的將來,員額總量管制、工作績效考核等法律和規定的實施必然都會對政府機構效率的提昇產生一定程度的影響。本研究採質化研究的方式針對國內五家知名勞動派遣業者高階經理人與六處案場內有採行勞動派遣之政府機構用人主管進行訪談,為一探索性研究。試圖藉由訪談兩方的結果,以勾勒出現行台灣勞動派遣在政府機構內的運作模式,並深入瞭解其效益及對政府機構管理者的價值所在,進一步推估勞動派遣業的發展限制與未來契機。本研究發現以下現象: 1. 政府機構考量勞動派遣因素,已逐漸著重於更加彈性的人力運用,及降低聘雇風險的考量。 2. 政府機構對於內部人力的基本要求是以穩定性為重,為了因應法規範的限制,長期而穩定的雇傭關係仍是政府機構期待的方向。 3. 政府機構運用勞動派遣所產生的價值,會隨著政府機構的規模、產業的屬性及核心能力等不同因素,而產生不同層次的效益。 4. 政府機構在制定人力資源策略的時候,會衡量內製的管理成本與外包的交易成本,以決定人力委外的程度多寡。 台灣的政府機構勞動派遣活動,未來可望朝更廣泛的資源整合專家,與更深入的專業分工化發展,以扮演更具價值的策略夥伴關係。


Labor dispatch has been a key link of human resources in 1990s as economic boom is deemed as one of the key factors. In addition to private businesses, government offices begin to employ non-typical work such as dispatch and outsourcing to replace organizational manpower recently for advancing efficiency and competitiveness. In the predictive future, the implementation of laws and regulations regarding quota sum control and work performance assessment will necessarily impact the advancement of efficiency of government offices to a certain degree. This study adopts the qualitative research method aiming at senior managers in 5 famous domestic labor dispatch businesses and managers of government offices in 6 sites where there are employees from labor dispatch for interviews as a pilot study. Through the results of interviews with both parties, the operating mode of the current labor dispatch in Taiwan inside government offices is pictured and the value and the effects involved for managers in government offices are inquired; further, it predicts the development limitation and future opportunities of labor dispatch businesses. The findings are as below: 1. The factor for government offices to employ labor dispatch is the flexible manpower employment and declined risks of engagement of employment; 2. The basic demand of internal manpower in government offices is the stability; in response to the legal regulations, the long-tern stable employment relation is expected by government offices; 3. The value exerted by labor dispatch in government offices will output effects at diverse levels in accordance with factors such scales of government offices and industrial attribution and core competence; and 4. The degree of manpower commissioned is decided via measuring inner management cost and outer transaction cost as government offices make human resource strategies. The labor dispatch activities in government offices in Taiwan may play a valuable strategic partner via development of broad resource integration and deep professional division of labor in the future.


鄭津津,1998,「派遣勞動相關法律問題之探討」,就業與訓練,16 卷6 期:12~16。


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