  • 學位論文


A Qualitative Research of Vietnamese Immigrant Women’s Self in Marriage Relationships

指導教授 : 鄭佩芬


本研究旨在透過越南籍新移民女性在台的婚姻生活經驗,來探討女性在關係中對自我的認識與變化。本研究採立意取向,以台南、高雄兩地共八位,經跨國婚姻來台超過十年以上,且目前仍在婚姻關係中的新移民女性為研究對象。研究者以半結構式的深度訪談法蒐集資料並加以分析與詮釋,以「關係中自我」(Self-in-Relation)的視角,探討跨國婚姻新移民女性在其原生家庭中的關係狀況和自我認同;她們進入跨國婚姻的動機、挑戰與突破;以及目前她們在婚姻關係中的自我發展歷程。 研究結果發現: (一)在原生家庭中因「自我」的概念尚未成熟,她們對自己的理解和評價多來自於重要他人。其自我也在此關係脈絡中發展,分別形塑出正向的關係與自我和疏離的關係與自我兩大類。 (二)在婚姻關係中自我形塑的轉變歷程可分為以下三要點: (1)從附屬到自主:女性從初期的依賴對方,發展到目前的擁有個人的自主性。 (2)從父權到平權:女性從初期受父權文化箝制,到目前的可以分享家庭內的權力,使得性別角色分工趨向平權。 (3)從橫向到縱向:女性從初期重視夫妻的橫向關係,轉向到現在重視縱向的親子關係。自我的主要角色是「母職」,而非以往重視的「配偶」角色。而Gilligan的「關係中自我」的說法似乎沒有談到此「軸向的轉移」,研究者認為與華人社會的文化脈絡有關。受到儒家思想的影響,女性婚後生活重心以親子關係為依歸。 根據研究結果,研究者為社會工作專業的福祉提出建議,同時也指出今後可以繼續研究的方向。


自我 質性研究 新移民女性


The aim of this study is to probe into women’s self-recognition and changes in relationships through the marriage experiences of Vietnamese immigrant women in Taiwan. Purposive sampling is used as the sampling method with eight immigrant women in Tainan and Kaohsiung as the research participants who have more than ten years of cross-cultural marriage experiences and are still married. The researcher used in-depth interview to collect data for further analysis and interpretation. From the view of self-in-relation, the researcher studied the relationships and self-recognition of the new immigrant women in their family of origin, their motives, challenges, and breakthroughs of entering cross-cultural marriages, and the self-development process in their current marriages. The research findings reveal: (一)The self-concept of the immigrant women were immature in their origin family; their self-understanding and self-evaluation are mostly based on significant others. Their self also grew in these relation contexts, resulting in developing two main categories of self: positive relations with self and distant relations with self. (二)The process of the transformation of self in marriages are classified as three main points: (1)From subordination to independence: Women rely on their significant others at the beginning and develop to gain autonomy. (2)From patriarchy to equal rights: Women are pressured upon by patriarchal cultures in the primary stage; now they are able to share the power within the family, allowing gender role division to develop toward equal rights. (3)From horizontal to vertical: Women has transformed from valuing a horizontal spouse relationship in the initial stage to emphasizing a vertical parent-child relationship nowadays. The main role of self is “motherhood” instead of “spouse” as before. However, the shift to vertical relation is not mentioned in Gilligan’s “Self-in-Relation” theory; the researcher believes the relation is related to the Chinese social culture. Influenced by Confucianism, women tend to focus on their parent-child relationship in marriages. Based on the research findings, the researcher suggested ideas for the betterment of social work profession and also direction for future research.


Self Qualitative Research New Immigrant Wome


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