  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship Model among Organizational Learning, Effectiveness of training transfer and Employee’s Execution―Transfer Climate as a Moderating Variable

指導教授 : 李元墩 梁家祜


面臨全球瞬息萬變的產業環境,員工的執行力若無法提升,企業必將為環境所淘汰,企業應致力於人力資源的培育及成長以提高其競爭力。而員工持續的接受訓練與再教育以開發員工潛能,乃為企業未來發展成功與否之關鍵因素,因此,現代化的組織必須透過組織環境因素,以學習導向激勵員工落實訓練與再教育之成果,進而提升員工的執行力,以為企業創造新的競爭優勢。 本研究經由文獻分析與專家諮詢法,編製出具有良好信度與效度之「員工執行力量表」與「移轉氣候量表」,並以台灣服務業與金融業之中高階主管為施測對象,採取分層立意抽樣方式共發出800 份問卷,共計回收有效問卷136 份,有效回收率為17%,並應用變異數分析、迴歸分析、典型相關分析、Pearson 積差相關分析、層級迴歸分析與線性結構關係(LISREL)等統計方法驗證本研究之假設,根據統計分析結果歸納出研究結論如下:1.組織學習對訓練移轉效能及員工執行力均有顯著正向關係,且均能產生顯著正向影響;2.訓練移轉效能對員工執行力有顯著正向關係,且能產生顯著正向影響;3.訓練移轉效能在組織學習與員工執行力關係上具有顯著之中介效果4.整體關係模式具有良好之適配程度;5.組織學習會因移轉氣候之干擾作用對訓練移轉效能產生顯著正向影響。最後就本研究之結論與管理意涵作深入探討,並呈現具體之研究貢獻與建議,以供企業界及學術界參酌。


Facing the fast changing global competition environment, enterprises will not be able to survive if the ability of employee execution is not improved. It is essential for firms to dedicate to the development of human resource and raise the competitiveness. The employees’ reeducation and training program will be the key factor to develop employees’ potential abilities, and, therefore, enforce business growth in the future. A modernized organization should encourage employees to put into practice through learning orientation training transfer, and improve employee execution to create new competition advantage in the future. This study developed the measuring scale on employee’s execution and transfer climate with adequate content validity and reliability through literature analysis and expert consultation. Further, the study selected middle-level and top managers in service and financial industries as subject. After using stratified and purposive sampling, there were 136 effective questionnaires returned among 800 questionnaires distributed. The usable returned rate was 17%. The data were analyzed by a variety of statistical methods, such as canonical correlation analysis, pearson product-moment correlation analysis, regression analysis, hierarchical regression analysis, ANOVA and LISREL. After integrating the results of empirical analysis, the findings of the study are as follows: 1. Organizational leaning has significant positive correlation and effect on effectiveness of training transfer and employee’s execution; 2. Effectiveness of training transfer has significant positive correlation and effect on employee’s execution; 3. Effectiveness of training transfer shows significant intervening effects on the relationship between organizational leaning and employee’s execution; 4. Good model fitness of relationship exists among each construct; 5.Organizational leaning has significant positive effects on effectiveness of transfer of training with a moderating effect of transfer climate. Finally, this summary takes the deep discussion with the conclusions and management implications of this study and present the concrete contributions and suggestions to be references by the enterprises and the academia.




林慧珮(2007)。台灣中小企業僕人式領導、工作投入與員工執行力關係模式之研究 -以組織信任為干擾變項〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0015-0307200715004600
