  • 學位論文


A study of mobile guide system: Using the public arts on campus as an example

指導教授 : 楊叔卿


隨著藝術教育的演進,藝術鑑賞學習已日益受到重視;然而,目前行動導覽的研究中仍少見應用於藝術鑑賞教學的案例。因此,本研究之目的在於探討融入藝術鑑賞教學理論與學習單教學法於校園公共藝術欣賞的手機行動導覽系統中,對於使用者在校園公共藝術鑑賞學習與立即學習成效的影響。   本研究分為「開發」與「實測」兩階段。在開發階段,首先藉由文獻探討與需求調查推導系統設計之架構概念,然後進行設計、開發與測試,完成了一個結合學習網站與行動導覽的OhMyArt!校園公共藝術學習系統。由本研究團隊開發的OhMyArt!行動導覽系統具備了GPS定位、行動地圖、語音導覽、檔案上傳與作品簡介等功能;另外,教材內容的設計則融入藝術鑑賞教學相關理論與學習單教學的相關理念而設計「階段式欣賞引導教材」,並建置於導覽系統中。在實測階段,為了解使用OhMyArt!之學習成效,本研究以台灣北部一所大學校園的公共藝術為研究案例,並徵求該大學四十位自願參與研究的學生為研究對象,讓每位使用者獨立使用OhMyArt!進行校園公共藝術探索學習活動。為探討使用「階段式欣賞引導教材」與自由欣賞方式之間成效的差異,本研究亦將使用者分為實驗組與控制組,每組各二十人。在實驗組所使用的OhMyArt!中融入了「階段式欣賞引導教材」,以有步驟的方式鑑賞作品;而控制組則以單純的欣賞紀錄檔案上傳功能進行自由欣賞。   本研究之資料分析方式包括質性資料與量化資料的分析,使用的統計方法包括:描述性統計、成對樣本T檢定與獨立樣本T檢定。另外,也分析了使用者的學習紀錄、心得回饋、問卷中的開放性問題與研究者的實驗觀察紀錄分析等質化資料。   研究結果顯示,使用者給予OhMyArt!行動導覽系統高度肯定,其成效包括:可讓使用者隨時隨地學習校園公共藝術、立即學習作品知識、認識校園環境,並增進使用者學習校園公共藝術的興趣、促成再次學習動機等。整體而言,使用者對於本研究之公共藝術探索學習活動、OhMyArt!的互動介面設計與行動地圖設計皆表示滿意。另外,經由實驗組與控制組的比較,顯示融入「階段式欣賞引導教材」於OhMyArt!可達以下成效: 1.循序漸進引導使用者深入思考作品意義,對作品進行理性判斷。 2.讓使用者更投入於藝術鑑賞學習活動中。 3.幫助使用者思考公共藝術作品與所在環境之間的關係。 4.促進使用者在鑑賞作品時從更多欣賞面向思考。   最後,本研究提出行動導覽系統上進行藝術鑑賞學習教材設計、行動地圖設計、介面設計和學習活動設計時的考量建議,供未來欲開發類似系統的設計者參考。此外,本研究也建議未來的研究方向則除了加強系統的功能之外,在實驗設計上亦可嘗試將系統配合課程教學或合作學習使用。


Recently there has been a shift in attention about art education from a focus on the creating activity to an emphasis on helping people experience art in their daily life, and art appreciation learning has been growing important. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to examine the effects of combining art appreciation theory and worksheet design into a cellular-phone-based mobile guide for appreciating public arts on campus. There were two stages in this study which were “Development Stage” and “Experiment Stage”. In the “Development Stage”, the design concepts were firstly obtained by literature review and needs survey, and then proceeded to designing, developing and testing. Finally, a system contained the following functions, including was finished called “OhMyArt!”, which combined website platform for desktop and mobile guide for mobile devices. The mobile guide system integrated GPS, mobile map, audio guide, file uploading functions and artwork introduction. A “Step-by-step Appreciating Guiding Material” was developed by integrating the theories of art appreciation and learning method of worksheet design into the “OhMyArt!” system. In the “Experiment Stage”, 40 college students from a university in north Taiwan volunteered as research subjects, and they used the “OhMyArt!” on their own to explore the public arts on campus. There are three phases involved in the learning activity. The subjects were divided into two groups, experiment group that was reguired to use the "OhMyArt!" with the "step-b-step Appreciating Guiding Material", and control group that use the "OhMyArt!" without but was given the function with file uploading only. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect and analyze the data including Descriptive statistics, Paired-sample T test, Independent samples T test. Documents from user feedback, worksheets, experiment record, and system logs were used to evaluate the learning performance and satisfaction of the system. Overall, regarding the acceptance of art appreciation learning activity and the performance of “OhMyArt!” for just-in-time learning, it was found that “OhMyArt!” adequately allowed the users to acquire appreciation information any time anywhere, meanwhile help the users to gain knowledge of public artworks and to become more familiar with campus environment immediately, and to stimulate the users’ interest in public art learning. Overall, the users are satisfied with the design of learning activity, the interface, and the mobile map of “OhMyArt!”. The advantages of using “OhMyArt!” with guiding material are found as the following: 1. Guiding the users to think more profoundly about the meaning of the artwork, and step by step to appreciate art works more rationally. 2. Allowing the users to be engaged more in the art appreciation learning activity. 3. Helping the users to look into the relationship between public artwork and surroundings. 4. Encouraging the users to appreciate artwork from different aspects. For future study, some suggestions are made for designing the learning material of art appreciation on mobile guide, mobile map, and interface of mobile devices with small screens. In addition to improving the functions of “OhMyArt!”, some directions are provided for future research, such as conducting “OhMyArt!” with formal art learning and collaborative learning.


鄭棋文(民99)。研發結合二維條碼(QR Code)的行動導覽系統(未出版之碩士論文)。國立清華大學,新竹市。
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