  • 學位論文


Repair Process Improvement—Surface Mount Technology Line

指導教授 : 蘇哲平


本研究探討有關於SMT表面黏著技術製造生產線的不良品流程改善分析,本研究分三個部份。第一部份為探討不良品流程改善,如何層別不良品類別、及如何利用解構後的CARD Test測試資料來改善維修一次成功率,以縮短不良品重工時間; 第二部分則分析不良品重工次數與成本之間的關係,調查維修一條模組所須的投入成本,及隨著維修次數增加所須的費用,接著再與將各維修次數之總成本與利潤做比較從而分析現行的維修次數是否合理。第三部分則是以決策樹分析(Decision Tree)方法來找出最佳維修時間,利用收集半年以上的生產製造記錄,其中包含維修時間、維修數量、維修良率、測試良率、搭配成本費用,從而得出一最佳維修時間。 本研究成果包含: (1)提供實務上利用改善測試流程來提昇不良品維修良率進而降低待重工數量。(2)提供如何分析適當的維修時間方法,供工程人員參考。


The study proposed a process improvement analysis on fail module from SMT (Surface Mount Technology) production line. This paper examines the three major factors comprising the process improvement, repair cost analysis and repair age determination. The first part is the process improvement by fail parts, how to categorize the fail units by different failure mode, and apply the test raw data of CARD test to improve the first repair ratio and reduce the repair cycle time as well. The second parts is to analysis the linkage of repair time and its repair cost, collect the prime cost of rework single module and the increasing rework cost along with repair times, then compare the total cost with its selling price to examine current repair times. The third part is to find out the optimal repair age for single module by the way of decision tress, with its analysis result and it can determine the optima repair age by collecting production record over six months which cover the repair age , amount of rework, repair yield , test yield and repair cost . This proposal provides (1) the way to improve repair yield and reduce the amount of un-rework lots by real case。(2) the way to determine the optima repair age for engineer reference.


Decision Tree Turbo CATS


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