  • 學位論文


Flexural Load Research of Patterned Transparent Conductive Substrate

指導教授 : 李昌駿


行動裝置與穿戴式裝置的快速發展,平面顯示元件與觸控面板等裝置被需求具有高度的可撓性。因此,可撓式顯示技術成為下一世代的平面顯示技術。對於可撓式顯示技術發展,軟性透明導電薄膜為最重要的材料之一,而氧化銦錫為目前使用最廣泛的透明導電薄膜。由軟性基材和氧化銦錫構成的多層堆疊薄膜,其受到一定程度撓曲負載後,氧化銦錫因其陶瓷性質受到破壞,致使功能失效。從力學角度觀之,多層堆疊薄膜其軟性基材的厚度,與實際應用上具圖案化氧化銦錫的圖案寬度,對於氧化銦錫薄膜破壞的撓曲負載,擔當重要因素。 本研究和介面光電公司合作,取得實際銷售具圖案化氧化銦錫的軟性透明導電薄膜試片,其具有二種不同的圖案,寬度為3.92mm和0.37mm;與三種基材厚度,分別為50μm、100μm和125μm。在不同的曲率半徑下進行撓曲負載實驗,並量測電阻值變化。結果顯示同基材厚度的試片其圖案寬度為3.92mm的電阻值變化較小;相同圖案的試片其基材厚度為50μm的電阻值變化較基材厚度為100μm小。並採用有限元素法對於試片的簡化結構,模擬不同曲率半徑下的撓曲負載與應變的關係。模擬結果顯示於圖案寬度較寬,與基材厚度較薄的試片,其撓曲負載的應變值也較低。此外,於電阻變化最小的圖案寬度3.92mm,基材厚度50μm的試片在曲率半徑低於4mm時的撓曲負載,其電阻值變化會有突然升高的情況。相同條件下的模擬結果也得到於曲率半徑低於4mm時,應變會超過相關文獻討論的氧化銦錫薄膜破壞應變約為1.1%。 實驗結果和模擬結果的比較,發現在不同曲率半徑下的撓曲負載其電阻變化和應變具有高度的相關性。故可用模擬的方式來參數調整圖案寬度和基材厚度,達成運用氧化銦錫薄膜的可撓式元件的最佳化設計。


The rapid development of mobile and wearable devices, flat display device, touch panel and other devices are highly flexible requirement. Thus, the flexible display technology to become the next generation flat panel display technology. For flexible technology, flexible transparent conductive film is one of the most important material. Indium tin oxide is the most widely used transparent conductive film. Multi-layer stack film formed of a soft substrate and indium tin oxide which is a certain extent been a flexural loading, indium tin oxide because of the nature of the ceramic is destroyed, causing function failure. Mechanical point of view, the multilayer stack film of its soft substrate thickness, and a patterned indium tin oxide on the practical application of its pattern width, for indium tin oxide film destruction flexural load, play an important factor. This study cooperation with JTOUCH Corporation, obtained commercially available flexible transparent conductive film specimen with patterned indium tin oxide, having two different patterns, width is 3.92mm and 0.37mm; and three steps of thickness, respectively 50μm, 100μm and 125μm. Flexural loading experiment at different radius of curvature, and measuring resistance value variations. Results showed the same thickness of the substrate specimen is patterned width of 3.92mm smaller resistance changes;the same pattern as specimen substrate thickness of 50μm which resistance change smaller than 100μm. And using finite element method to simplify the structure of specimen, simulated flexural load and strain relations at different radius of curvature. Simulation results show that the pattern width of the specimen wider, substrate thickness of the specimen thinner, flexural load strain values are lower. In addition, the smallest change in the resistance of specimen is pattern width 3.92mm, substrate thickness 50μm, when the flexural load radius of curvature less than 4mm, the change in resistance suddenly increased. The simulation results are obtained under the same conditions in the radius of curvature is less than 4mm, strain exceed the relevant literature on the indium tin oxide film fracture strain of approximately 1.1%. The results compared with the simulation results and found that a flexural load at different radius of curvature which resistance changes and strain is highly correlated. It can be used to simulate the way parameter adjustment pattern width and thickness of the substrate, reached using indium tin oxide film of the flexible device optimized design.


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