  • 學位論文


The Evolution of Contemporary Brassiere Television Commercial upon Social Feminism in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林瓊菱


近年來,隨著女性的教育程度提高,女性在工作收入及自主意識比以往提升,女性已成為消費市場的主流,對女性而言,內衣如同是女性的第二層皮膚,而內衣廣告更是脫離不了以女性做為主體。本研究旨在探討女性主義在廣告中的發展,女性特質與廣告表現間的關係,透過婦女運動的路徑,本研究試圖找出在不同年齡層的內衣廣告範疇間的對話。 在本研究中,以質化研究的方式作為研究方法並且以深入訪談來收集數據,透過開放式編碼對數據進行了整理,針對內容並分類來進行分析而得到相關研究數據,在本研究中選擇了台灣七大內衣品牌來做為研究樣本,包含了黛安芬、華歌爾、莎薇、蕾黛絲、曼黛瑪璉、奧黛莉和瑪芬瑪朵,針對三十位20到50歲間的受訪者進行訪談,其中含有15位男性及15位女性。 研究結果顯示,現在的內衣廣告所代表的不為物化女性的方式,而顯示出了女性內心真實的自我,透過社會的發展,女性內衣的意義不同以往,在廣告中呈現的是女性的自信、獨立、誘惑及魅力,這些都成為現在女性獲得權力的一種方式。此外,從廣告中可以發現現在的女性在生活中扮演著多重的角色,女性擁有自主權選擇自己想要在生活中的角色,而不為附屬於男性的女性。透過研究,我們可以發現女性的變化和社會對女性的視角,女性的地位不僅改變了,同時也有了許多的樂趣。


Women’s purchasing power is an infinite force in the market. There are several topics in researching women’s buying behavior toward different products. The brassiere belongs to the industry of garment, but has a very complex marketing strategy than ordinary dresses. The brassiere is like the second skin for women. The marketing practitioners would carefully to select an endorser to deliver message of the produce in advertising. The outcome is not only the growth of sale volume but also the conscious of femininity. This research aims to investigate the feminism development in the commercial, the relation between female traits and commercial performance. Through the path about the women movement, the researcher would try to figure out the dialogue in the different age’s category in brassiere business. In this research, there are qualitative research as research method and in-depth interview to collect data. Through open coding, data was examined, compared, making concept and category for analyze all the data to get the research result. Choosing seven brassiere brands was tested in this research, included Wacoal, Savvy, Triumph, Ladies, Audrey, Mode Marie and Modern Girl. Thirty participants with aged from twenty to fifty years old were interviewed. All of participants are fifteen men and fifteen women. The result shows brassiere commercial is not materialized women, but is shows the female true self from their hearts. Through the development of society, the meaning of brassiere for women is different form the past. Confidence, independence, lure and charm are showed on the commercial. All of them become a way in which modern women gain their right and power. Besides, women play many roles. They can choose what the role they want to be in their life, not only a good girl for men. From the research, we can realize the change of women and the social perspective toward women. Women status has not only changed, but also has more fun.


brassiere TV commercial feminism female trait


覃思齊(2003)。從束乳到挺胸─ 內衣穿著的社會學研究。臺灣大學社會學研究所學位論文,1-111。
1 English reference
