  • 學位論文


Turning Nothing into Something – Creative Artworks from Recyclable Materials

指導教授 : 陳歷渝


自工業革命後,大幅改進了生產技術及效率,改變了以往消費的商業模式。大量的消費導致資源過度開發,不僅衍生大量廢棄物,更加速了生態環境的破壞。近年來「環保」無疑是最受重視的議題,因為這直接影響了我們的生態,進而威脅到人類的生存環境。只有透過有效的回收再利用的觀念及手法,來降低消費、增加產品的壽命,以減緩自然資源的開發。本研究旨在藉由環保創作策略的訂定,探討友善環境中以3R (Reduce / Ruse / Recycle) 的理念,利用工地的廢餘料及生活周遭汰換的物件,完成一系列之環保藝術創作,藉由此回收的材料以Reuse / Recycle的觀念再創作出新的物件,進而達到減少消費以符合Reduce的精神。在創作實踐的24件作品中,分別以Ruse的手法完成5件作品,及Recycle的手法完成了19件作品,明確驗證此觀念、手法執行的可行性,且作品也確實應用於生活中。而再以展覽途徑將作品以公開展覽的方式,藉此來廣泛宣導環保生活及觀念的重要性,以期達到生生不息、循環再生的永續發展精神及實踐。


友善環境 環保 創作策略 回收物


Ever since the Industrial Revolution, new methods of production have sharply improved efficiency in factories, and thus change the consumption patterns of people from the way they were. Mass consumption of modern society leads to over-exploitation. It not only causes massive waste, but also speeds up the damage of ecology. Since this is so closely linked to our living environment, there is no doubt that environmental protection has become the most highly concerned issue in recent years. Therefore, only through effective recycling concept and methods can we extend the lifetime of products and thus mitigate overexploitation of natural resources. So this research focuses on the establishment of strategies for environmental protection design. By making use of the waste materials from construction sites and disposed goods in our daily life, we create a collection of eco-friendly artworks to reflect on our relationship with ecological environment. Furthermore, we use the 3R's -- reduce, reuse, and recycle-- to elaborate our 24 pieces of creations. We clearly verify the possibility of implementing the concept, and all of our artworks are also applicable in our daily lives. Finally, by holding an exhibition to exhibit our eco-friendly artworks, we take this great opportunity to advocate the importance of environmental protection, and in hope that the goal of sustainable development can be achieved fully and endlessly.


Rebecco Proctor (2011),陳品秀譯。生態設計經典 1000。台北市:城邦文化事業股份有限公司。
