  • 學位論文

警察機關運用監視錄影法制之研究 -以警察執法實務為中心

Research of the Legal System on Video Surveillance by Police-Focus on Police Law Enforcement Practice

指導教授 : 陳櫻琴


摘 要 監視錄影隨著時代進步而在日常生活中隨處可見,警察機關使用監視錄影實務上應如何適用,而隨著個人資料保護,監視錄影有無侵害當事人,值得研究討論,各章摘要分述如下: 第一章說明研究動機、目的、研究方法、限制及流程與架構。以警察職權行使法第九、十、十一條為基礎,探討警察機關使用監視錄影之情形。本文採文獻分析、案例分析及實務觀察法,探討相關監視錄影行政法規研究,警察依法行政,然而由於法令甚多,警察執行勤務時,不僅業務種類繁多,監視錄影牽涉到人民公共空間行為受到監視,其行為如違規或違法時,是否皆得適用監視錄影直接作為舉發之依據。 第二章為監視錄影與警察職權行使、執行、管理與保存之探討,針對警察職權行使法監視錄影部分作分析,並對警察職權行使法,包括有無侵害基本人權及討論地方自治法規及監視錄影設置要點之差異,以及人民調閱警察機關監視錄影規定及限制。 第三章為監視錄影與場所蒐證之探討,並研究犯罪偵查的使用與限制,及對當事人權利保護是否恰當,並對勤務類別於警察職權行使監視錄影之部份做研究。 第四章為監視錄影使用於交通之研究,將目前交通違規取締及使用監視錄影部份作討論,並於交通違規舉發蒐證之部份及實務上法院提起訴訟程序作討論。 第五章為監視錄影非警察治安機關所設置時使用之權限及人權保護分析,並對非警察治安設置部分探討蒐集、處理及利用之研究,研究個人資料保護法修正後對個人資料保護上影響,監視錄影蒐集資料及保存銷毀等部分加以討論,對人民如提起監視錄影聲明異議時之研究。 第六章為監視錄影與警察職權行使法及其他行政法執行問題,對目前監視錄影作結論與建議。


隱私權 監視錄影 監視器


Abstract The society has becoming more progressed than ever; the rights of the citizens are being well protected by laws. In thus, the appliance of the broadcast monitors for the police is worthy to explore while the protection on personal information. The following paragraphs would be the introductions of the paper. Chapter one explains the intention, goals, methods, restricts, progresses, and the structures basically on the research. The cases of the appliance of the broadcast monitors (for surveillance video recording) for police are basically from the Police Duties Enforcement Act. The police officers enforced missions by law; also other laws could obstruct the missions. However, the broadcast system could supervise ones whom disrespected the laws in public spaces, and could be emerged as the evidence for enforcing missions. Chapter two discusses the terms of enforcing, managing, and the retaining of the surveillance video recordings for the police. Including the analyses to the surveillance video recordings from the Police Duties Enforcement Act, and the comparisons between the privilege, local-government regulations, and the essential broadcast monitors; as well as the rules and the restrictions for the citizens to access the recordings from the police. Chapter three is mainly about the evidence collection, to the crime scene investigation and the protection to the litigant. Also in this chapter, discusses the connection between the surveillance video recordings and categories of the missions for the police officers. Chapter four directly explores the usages of the broadcast monitors on traffics. This chapter goes deeper into the usages of the monitors on banning traffic violations, as well as the collection on traffic violations and progresses of law suiting. Chapter five is basically focusing on the part of non-police jurisdiction surveillance video recording, discussing the permissions and personal privacy. This chapter also analyses the non-police jurisdiction, and the conflicts to the collection of evidences, preservation and destruction of the video recordings, after the amended of the law on personal privacy protection. Chapter six is mostly about the problems of the recent surveillance video recording, Police Duties Enforcement Act, and some of the problem on Administrative Law; and the conclusion and the recommendations on surveillance video recording.


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