  • 學位論文

台灣重電製造業經營策略之研究 —以台灣T公司重電事業部為例—

Study of Business Strategy of Heavy Electrical Industries in Taiwan – A Case of Heavy Electrical Department of Company T in Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝龍發


論文摘要 電力是現代化生活之基礎,也是經濟發展之動力,而支持輸、配電系統的設備之一,即為重電製造業所生產提供的設備;重電製造業屬內需型產業,深受政策與經濟建設等影響,具有特定使用客戶與用途,多為接單生產、製造週期長達半年至1年以上,產業進入前置期較長,新競爭者進入不易、效益回收慢,屬於資本與技術密集產業。 本研究係以個案T公司重電事業部經營策略為出發點所做之研究,經相關文獻探討、產業分析、五力分析、SWOT分析、深入訪談與資料收集研究等,探討個案公司競爭優勢與經營策略的關聯影響,並提供個案公司未來策略之建議,藉以建立個案公司的競爭優勢來因應環境與時代的變遷,以延續個案公司在該產業的生命週期。 研究發現: (1) 競爭情形已從單體設備製造供應,轉變為提供整合性服務。 (2) 能提供客製化服務能力及機電系統整合性能力較佳者,有較強的競爭優勢。 (3) 高電壓等級與潛力型產品,必需不斷持續研發及創新,以爭取高價位訂單。 (4) 在內需市場有限情況下,重電廠商必須開拓國外市場與提高外銷市場比重。 (5) 同業技術持續成熟與精進,重電廠商除硬實力的注重外,應更重視與提升軟實力(管理能力、團隊能力、服務能力、速度、效率等)。 (6) 藉由個案公司集團內的垂直整合與綜效,以提供異於同業的差異化服務、增加自己的競爭優勢。 個案公司的重電產品主要應用、提供在配電、輸電建設上,而內需市場其主要客戶為台電公司、外銷市場比重較低,在經研究探討分析後,給予如下建議: (一)國內市場 1. 配合政府能源政策與電力建設,研發並提供高效能、節能與環保的重電產品,有助於提升產品競爭力。 2. 提供電力系統整合性服務,有助於滿足顧客需求。 3. 超高壓等級產品、新產品持續開發及增加客製化服務,有助於爭取高價位訂單。 4. 導入與提升專案管理能力、法務面能力,可在工程採購標案上增加公司利益、降低風險。 5. 慎選工程顧問公司、土木承商及協力廠,彼此互惠結盟合作,以組成團隊拓展工程案。 6. 同業間協商、溝通管道建立,彼此合作與互補、避免惡性競爭。 7. 固守既有客戶群並爭取其他設備汰舊及服修之商機。 (二)國外市場 1. 因應東南亞及中東等地經濟需求、電力基礎建設,提供重電產品至該區,有助於增加外銷訂單。 2. 熟悉重電產品國外市場型態與通路結構,有助於爭取國外商機。 3. 重電產品定型試驗國際認證、滿足當地市場要求,有助於爭取外銷機會。 4. 與國際大廠合作在國外設廠、OEM代工與整廠輸出。


Abstract Electricity is not only the foundation of modern life, but also the driving force of economic development. It is one of the facilities which support the systems of transmission and distribution, also the production of heavy electrical industry. The heavy electrical industry is domestic-oriented that deep influenced by the policy and economic development, and it has specific customers and purposes, and mostly make to order, the manufacturing cycle for up to six months to one year or more, longer lead time to enter the industry, new competitors to enter difficultly, slow recovery efficiency, it is part of capital and technology intensive industry. This study is a case study which the business strategy of the case T heavy electrical industry as the starting point research, and then through literature discussion, industrial analysis, Michael Porter's Five Forces Model, SWOT analysis, in-depth interview, and data collection. To confer the influence of the case company between competitive advantage and business strategy, also provide the suggestions for future strategy, and build up the competitive advantage to in response to the environment changes with the times to continue the industry life cycle of the case. The results find that: (1) The conditions of competitive from the individual equipment manufactured and supplied to the provision of integrated services. (2) It can provide customized service capabilities and ability to better integrate electromechanical systems that have a strong competitive advantage. (3) High voltage level and potential products need to R&D and innovation incessantly to strive for high-priced orders. (4) Limited circumstances in the domestic demand market that heavy electric manufactures must develop foreign markets and increase export market share. (5) With industry technology continues to mature and sophisticated, heavy electric manufactures in addition to the emphasis on sturdy and healthy strength that should pay more attention and enhance soft power (management, team ability, service ability, speed, efficiency, etc.). (6) Group of company by the case of vertical-integrated and synergy to provide differentiated services that different from the same industry, and increase the competitive advantage. The case company’s heavy electrical products are used to provide the distribution and transmission construction. And the domestic market of its main customers is Taiwan Power Company, lower proportion of export markets. After the analysis and research that give the following recommendations: 1. domestic market (1) To match up the government policy and power construction, research and development and provide high-performance, energy-saving and environment protection of heavy electrical products that could help to improve the competitiveness of products. (2) To provide integrated services of power system that could help to meet the demand of customers. (3) UHP grade products, new products continue to develop and increase the customized services that could help to strive for high-priced orders. (4) To import and enhance project management capabilities and ability to face legal that engineering procurement tenders could increase the company’s benefits and reduce risk. (5) To carefully choose engineering consultants, civil engineering contractor, and subcontractor that an alliance of mutual cooperation with each other to compose the team to expand the project case. (6) To consultation between the industry and establish channels of communication that cooperation, complement with each other, and to avoid vicious competition. (7) Stick to the existing customer and eliminating the old also the other equipment for repair service business opportunities. 2. overseas market (1) In response to the economic needs of Southeast Asia and the Middle East and electric power infrastructure that provide heavy electrical products could help to increase export orders. (2) Familiar type of heavy electrical products in foreign markets and channel structure that could help to fight the foreign business opportunities. (3) Heavy electrical products shaping international certification testing to meet local market requirements that help to strive for export opportunities. (4) Cooperation with international companies set up factories in foreign countries, OEM, and whole plant output.


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