  • 學位論文

應用模糊決策分析環保及經營績效之研究 —以台灣電機電子產業為例—

Fuzzy Decision Analysis for Environmental and Operating Performance in Taiwan’s Electrical and Electronic Industry

指導教授 : 李正文


近年來隨著環保議題逐漸受到國際間的重視,使得環保管制日益嚴格,例如:歐盟於2006年7月正式展開的廢棄電子電機設備指令(Waste Electrical and Electronic equipment,簡稱WEEE)及危害性物質限制指令(Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive, RoHS),即對於台灣出口到歐盟的廠商造成不少的嚴重衝擊,以RoHS指令所規範的物質來說,要求所有進入歐盟市場的產品皆必須符合無鉛、汞、鎘、六價鉻、聚溴聯苯、聚溴二苯醚的制限,然而台灣憑藉過去扎實的高科技產業為基礎,目前已成為全球IC產業的重鎮,因此對於這波國際環保的規範更是深受影響。 有鑑於此,本研究以國內電子電機廠商為研究對象,並運用模糊層級分析方法探討各廠商在面臨歐盟環保指令的制限下所優先考量的綠色管理方案為何,及因施行綠色管理方案對公司經營績效所造成的影響進行探討,故本研究總計發放500份問卷,並依其中回收的122份有效問卷作分析,以了解目前台灣高科技產業對國際環保的因應措施。 依本研究的實證結果發現,在改善環保績效方面,約60%的廠商將優先考量綠色供應鏈管理,其次才會將重心放在綠色創新技術的研發上,此外若進一步分析上述兩項評估方案,發現又以回收系統的建立、原物料管理、綠色採購及產品創新較為重要,相對而言,產品包裝及運送方式較不受廠商的重視。另一方面,針對施行綠色管理對各廠商經營績效所造成實質效益最為顯著的是公司形象的提升,其次為顧客忠誠度的維護及增加公司獲利率,由上述結果可知,在目前階段各廠商所獲得非財務面績效的提升似乎比財務績效來得高。


Recently, environmental controls have become very strict due to environmental issues has attracted increasing attention in the world. For example: the European Union has official launched the WEEE(Waste Electrical and Electronic equipment) and RoHS(Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive) directions in July, 2006. These regulations have caused a great shock in exporting products to Europe Union. According to RoHS directive, it restricts the use of six hazardous material including Pb, Hg, Cd, Cr6+, PBB and PBDE in the manufacture of various types of electronic and electrical equipment. However, Taiwan has a high percent in exporting electronic and electrical products to Europe Union. Under the restriction of international environment protection the Hi-tech industry in Taiwan has been affected tremendously. Because of these, the empirical study of this research focused on electrical and electronic industry in Taiwan. This study used the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to analyze the critical factors that companies have considered environmental management program through using questionnaire to collect the data, totally collect 122 questionnaires. The survey focuses on the investigation of: (1) the priority of green management decisional factors; (2) the impact of operating performance in the implementation of green management. This study concludes that green supply chain management is more important than green innovation in green management decision criteria. Furthermore, this empirical survey judges individual criteria. For green supply chain management, reverse logistics, material management and inbound logistics and procurement are most important criteria. For green innovation, product innovation is more important than process innovation and organizational management innovation. Besides, according to result which implementation of green management affects corporate operating performance, it reveals that enhanced company image and strengthened customer loyalty are two elements which increase corporate operating performance. Contrary, improved profitability is not obvious. In short, increase of non-financial performance seems more useful than financial performance for corporate operating performance in this empirical study.


8. 溫肇東與陳泰明(1997),「台灣的綠色創新組織初探」,臺大管理論叢,第八卷,第二


