  • 學位論文


The effects of students learning of problem-based learning and subject-based learning in Taiwan: A meta-analysis

指導教授 : 楊坤原


本研究使用統合分析法,探討國內實施「問題本位學習」(Problem-Based Learning, PBL)相較於「學科本位學習」(Subject-Based Learning, SBL)對學習成就、學習態度及問題解決能力上的影響,及影響的可能調節變項(potential moderators),調節變項的探討向度有三,(一)研究對象:本研究之研究對象分為國小、國中、高職、大學及進修領域等階段,或進一步探討研究對象之年級是否為調節變項;(二)科目類別:本研究之科目類別分為工、商、理、醫等類別,或進一步探討研究類別中的科目是否為調節變項,以工業類別為例則可再細分成電機、機械等科目;(三)評量類型及評量向度:本研究於學習成就方面將評量類型分為術科操作、專題報告、概念圖、選擇題或問答題等,於學習態度方面將評量向度分為師生互動、學習的興趣、對參與科學探討活動的態度等,於問題解決能力方面將評量向度分為問題覺察、提出想法及尋求最佳方案等能力。 本研究文獻檢索後,符合標準的文獻共21篇,並將資料以研究者開發的統合分析系統MetaA進行分析。研究結果顯示PBL於學習成就、學習態度及問題解決能力上皆有正向的影響,且於問題解決能力方面具最佳的效果,其中學習成就方面的合併效果量為0.4579;學習態度方面的合併效果量為0.4738;問題解決能力方面的合併效果量為0.7151。調節變項的研究結果顯示,於學習成就方面,研究對象、科目類別及評量類型皆為調節變項,且應尚有其它可能調節變項存在;於學習態度方面,研究對象及科目類別非調節變項,評量向度則為調節變項;於問題解決能力方面,研究對象、科目類別及評量向度皆為調節變項。


The comparison of the study of meta-analysis between Problem-Based Learning(PBL) and Subject-Based Learning(SBL) has two aims: Firstly, to address the main effects of PBL and SBL on three categories of outcomes: (1)learning achievement, (2)learning attitude and (3)problem-solving ability. Secondly, to address potential moderators effects of problem-based learning. The discussion of potential moderators includes:(1) Research object: The research objects include elementary school, junior high school, vocational high school, university and college of continuing education,etc., and to analyze further whether the grade is the moderator. (2) Subject classification: The subject classification of this research include such fields as industry, business, science engineering and medicine,etc., or analyse further whether the subject is the moderator. For example, the industrial classification can be divided into subjects of the electrical machinery, mechanical subject,etc. (3) Assessment types and evaluation dimensions: The assessment type of learning achievement of this research includes skill operation, project report, concept map, multiple-choice items and essay items,etc.,. The assessment type of learning attitude includes teacher-student interaction, learning interests and attitudes toward joining the activity of science study. The assessment type of problem-solving abilities includes “to discover problem”, ” to pose problems” and “to find optimum means”,etc. After literature search, this study selected 21 articles that met the criteria for inclusion, and then we analyzed data with meta-analysis system which named MetaA design by researcher. The result shows that PBL had a positive effect on learning achievement, learning attitude and problem-solving ability. And it has the best effect on problem-solving ability. Among these results of this study mentioned above, the combined effect size of learning achievement is 0.4579, the combined effect size of learning attitude is 0.4579, the combined effect size of problem-solving ability is 0.7151.The results of moderators show that, research object, subject classification and assessment type are all moderators in the learning achievements as well as other possibities. In the learning attitude, research object and subject classification are not, but evaluation dimension is moderator. In the problem-solving abilities, research object, subject classification and evaluation dimension are all moderators.




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