  • 學位論文


A Study of Campus Signage System Design and Development-Using Chung Yuan Christian University as an Example

指導教授 : 程萬里


環境標識系統提供線索以及環境資訊,引導人們直覺地到達目標地。環境標識系統利用設計來改造公共空間,使其成為一個友善及人性化的使用環境。本環境標識的研究創作以中原大學做為設計創作的個案,在文獻探討中歸納出環境標識的種類以及環境標識視覺構成要素之後,再與位在不同國家的大學做分析與探討,進而與本設計個案做比較,最後規劃出符合中原大學的環境標識系統設計。著重在環境標識的靜態視覺資訊傳達上,以探討環境標識傳達時的視認性及塑造大學校園的識別性為主。 中原大學環境標識系統的視覺設計由中原大學的歷史及理念、未來發展願景加上中原大學環境色彩調查的結果將之綜合應用,萃取出理性、簡樸、開朗為視覺形象。並以中原大學新生對校園環境標識的訊息內容及位置的意見作為創作時的參考。本創作將中原大學校園環境的導引原則及標準規範以識別標識、指向標識、定位標識做為系統性的統整,成為校園環境標識系統。希望向上延續了傳統、向下拓展與強化中原大學的形象,營造更為友善的迎賓環境。


標識系統 環境 大學校園


Environmental signage system designs provide directions and information of an environmental space, and guide people to reach a destination point. The purpose of designing environmental signage systems is to create a user friendly and human centered public space. This study used the main campus of Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU) as a case study to design a signage system for members of the university community, visitors as well as people using the campus facilities. The review of literature and case studies consists of: (1) types of environmental signage systems, and visual elements; (2) design factors and user friendly considerations; (3) comparison of selected existing signage design cases; (4) analysis of the culture and characteristics of university campus environment, and (5) effective visual design to convey needed messages and directions on a university campus. Extracted from the analyses of CYCU’s mission, holistic education philosophy, and campus traditional values, three major characteristics: “rational, simple, and bright” were then identified as the main theme for the signage visual presentation. The design process of Chung Yuan Christian University’s signage system includes: (1) a review of the university’s history, philosophy, culture, and the future vision to be used as the basis of design origin; (2) a survey from selected freshmen and an extensive field study by the author to determine signage types, locations, and contents; (3) a study of campus environment and facilities to decide visual elements, such as type font and size, color scheme, and signage physical shape and size; (4) completion of a total design solution of the environmental signage system for CYCU and (5) the Chung Yuan Campus Signage Standards and Guidelines were developed for the future documentation. It was concluded that the final design of the environmental signage system of Chung Yuan Christian University achieved the intended purpose of this creative work, and is functional, effective, user friendly, visually pleasant, and representative of the University’s mission and educational philosophy.


campus environmental signage system


