  • 學位論文


Exploring the Learning Process and Brain Wave of Reading Specific Edited Article for Low-achieving Elementary School Students

指導教授 : 周永燦


在2015年國際學生能力評量計畫(Programme for International Student Assessment, PISA)成績中,以台灣為例,針對「閱讀素養」這項指標從2012年的第8名退至第23名。其評量對象為15歲在學學生,而學業低成就的情形早在小學階段便造成影響,導致學生在校成績呈現兩極化的現象且日漸嚴重。過去研究證實,經過特殊排版的文章對學童在閱讀理解上較一般文章有成效,但以往文獻多著重在眼動歷程的探討,較少觀察學童在閱讀時的腦波變化,因此本研究使用眼動儀並結合腦波儀深入探討學業低成就學童在閱讀特殊排版之文章時,眼動歷程及腦波變化與高成就學童之差異性。本研究以桃園某國小五、六年級生為母群體,共徵募26位研究對象,以在校國語學期成績為標準,分類為高成就與低成就兩組。在三種不同編排模式(附上插圖、關鍵字句放大與一般正常之文章)之下,以眼動儀追蹤受測者之眼球移動軌跡、注視時間與注視次數,並結合腦波儀觀察其腦波變化。本研究結果顯示,學業低成就學童在閱讀關鍵字句放大與附上插圖之文章時,有助於專注力的提升(Alpha、Beta之腦波活化),並且有效地提升閱讀成效。期望本研究之實驗結果可提供學校與出版社作為教材排版之參考依據,進而提升學業低成就學童之閱讀成效。


In the “Program for International Students Assessment (PISA)”, the index of “Reading Literacy” on the testing subjects: 15 years old Taiwanese students, was declining from 8th (year 2012) to 23rd (year 2015). The low achievement of learning shows the effect in the primary school, which results the students’ assessment at school presenting in polarization and getting worse in Taiwan. From the past research, students could understand specific edited article better than text only in the article. However the past research focused on the aspect of eye movement trajectory, not on the changing of brain waves while reading. Hence, the study uses eye tracking and electroencephalography (EEG) to observe the eye movement trajectory and brain waves while reading specific edited article, between the low achievement students and high achievement students. The population of the research is from the Grade 5 and 6 of an elementary school in Taoyuan, Taiwan, and the subjects are 26 students from among. Taking the grade of Chinese Course as a standard, subjects are divided into two groups - the low achievement group and high achievement group. In three different textbooks’ editing modes, including text only in the article, front size of keywords upgrading in the article, having an illustration in the article, the study uses eye tracking to track the eye movement trajectory, fixation time and fixation frequency from the subjects, meanwhile the study uses EEG to observe the changing of brain waves. The results show that reading the front size of keywords upgrading in the article and having an illustration in the article can upgrade the fixation ability (activate the alpha and beta band power), and can effectively improve the reading comprehension of low achievement students. The research expects the findings can be a critical reference for textbook developers and publishers, and can enhance the reading effectiveness of the low achievement students.


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