  • 學位論文


A Study of Investigating the Effects of Curriculum-based Measurement in Chinese Spelling Skills for Low Achieving First Graders

指導教授 : 鄭淑芬


本研究之目的在探討應用課程本位注音符號測量以提升國小一年級學習低成就學生注音符號能力之成效。以三位國小一年級注音符號學習低成就學童為對象,採用單一受試研究法之跨受試多探試實驗設計,於攜手計畫期間進行為期六週,每週四節課之一對一補救教學。 本研究之自變項為結合「課程本位注音符號測量」與注音符號補救教學,監控個案的學習情形並隨時根據個案的測驗結果來調整教學內容。依變項為個案於「課程本位注音符號測量」之「注音符號念讀 – 單音」、「注音符號念讀 – 拼音」、「注音符號聽寫 – 單音」與「注音符號聽寫 – 拼音」分測驗答題正確率所形成之「注音符號整體學習成果」。研究結果顯示: 一、應用課程本位注音符號測量於注音符號學習低成就學生的補救教學,能提升學童注音符號整體學習成果。 二、應用課程本位注音符號測量於注音符號學習低成就學生的補救教學,參與學童的整體注音符號能力表現能夠達到同儕在相同測量中之表現。 三、應用課程本位注音符號測量於注音符號學習低成就學生的補救教學,可有效提升參與學童在國小注音符號能力診斷測驗之表現。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of curriculum-based measurement in Chinese spelling skills for low achieving first graders. Three first graders with poor Chinese spelling skills were collected in this study which a multiple-probe design was adopted to examine their performance. The remedial instruction was conducted when the three students attended the Afterschool Alternative Program. The intervention designed for each student lasted for six weeks, four times per week by means of one-to-one instruction. The independent variable was to combine curriculum-based measurement in Chinese spelling skills and remedial instruction to monitor each student’s leaning growth or to adjust the instructor’s teaching plans for the benefit of individual student’s learning according to each measurement. The dependent variable measured was called the whole learning outcome of Chinese spelling skills which was integrated from the outcomes of the four subtests in the curriculum-based measurement in Chinese spelling skills. The major findings of this study were concluded as follows: 1.Applying curriculum-based measurement in Chines spelling skills in the remedial instruction was proved to be effective in improving the whole learning outcome of Chinese spelling skills of low achieving first graders 2.All the three subjects achieved their learning goals made according to the classmates’ Chinese spelling skills in the curriculum-based measurement after the remedial instruction. 3.Applying curriculum-based measurement in Chines spelling skills in the remedial instruction was proved to be effective in making the low achieving first graders improve in the the Diagnostic Test of Elementary Mandarin Phonetic Symbols Ability after the remedial instruction.


李孟峰 連廷嘉(2010)。「攜手計畫—課後扶助方案」實施歷程與成效之研究。教育實踐與研究,23(1),115-141。
