  • 學位論文


Construct the Model of Lean Streamline Production - An Example of TFT-LCD Industry

指導教授 : 江瑞清


精實生產系統(Lean Production System)強調的是消除存在於創造價值過程中的浪費行為,追求理想之生產系統,而流線化生產是一種連結前後製程的無間斷的連續生產方式。本研究為建立一精實生產流線化之生產模式,並將此建構模式運用在TFT-LCD產業之Array製程。此生產模式包含四個步驟,分別為現況分析、空間規劃、無間斷生產流程規劃及成果確認,藉此模式以達成生產流線化。此生產模式經某TFT-LCD廠進行模擬分析並確認效果,此成效為空間使用面積減少21%,空間利用率提升26%,廠內傳輸時間將可減少36% 及產品週期時間減少3%,藉此分析結果可證明此生產模式有助於生產效率之提升。故「精實流線化生產模式」將可作為TFT-LCD廠新建廠之參考,此模式將協助企業提升品質、降低成本,以獲取最大的利潤。


“Lean Production System” emphasizes that eliminates waste existing in the process of creating values, and pursues the ideal production system. “Streamline Production” is one kind of continuous productions that connects previous and next processes in sequence. This research proposes the construction model of “Lean Streamline Production” for Array process in TFT-LCD industry. This roadmap comprises the four steps, including production analysis, layout planning, continuous production planning and results confirmation respectively, in order to achieve streamlined production. The model has been verified in a TFT-LCD factory by means of simulation analysis, and has been confirmed the results. It reduced the production space by 21%, increased the space utilization by 26%, reduced the transportation time within factory by 36%, and reduced the product cycle time by 3%. Through these results, it was verified that this production model helps to enhance the effectiveness of production operations. The “Lean Streamline Production Model” can be an alternative for TFT-LCD industry to build a new factory, and the production model will assist the enterprise to improve production quality, reduce cost and increase profit.


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