  • 學位論文


A Study of Female Art Education Teacher's Occupational Stratification and Career Transition

指導教授 : 陳瓊花


本研究以五位曾於國小或國中任教,經生涯轉換至大專院校美術系從事藝術教育工作,並逐步向上晉升至教授職位的女性教授為研究對象,研究目的在於瞭解她們的生涯轉換歷程與其職業階層流動之間的關係,探討促使研究對像生涯轉換的契機點與內外的影響因素,並從中探尋本研究對象生涯轉換歷程所遭遇的困難及有效解決之道。 本研究採用質性研究方法,研究者以半結構性的訪談大綱對五位研究參與者進行訪談,企圖從研究對象的生長背景、求學態度、職業經歷及生涯轉換歷程中關於工作和家庭的遭遇,瞭解在藝術教育領域之中,女性如何兼顧家庭與藝術工作的兩難,並突破傳統對女性的束縛,跨越至以男性占大多數的高等教育機構工作,使女性得以在職業工作上獲得向上流動並展現專業的企圖。 研究結果得出以下結論: 一、生涯發展之教育成就關係職業之流動 (一) 女性學歷愈高,職業地位取得愈高:觀察本研究對象之教育歷程與職業路徑發現,五位研究對象的教育程度愈高,其職業地位也愈高;五位研究對象都是透過教育成就奠下自我生涯轉換的基礎。 (二) 提攜與機運助長女性職業向上流動:本研究對象中有四位獲至生涯轉換契機都出自於「偶然」,都是在職場過程中「巧遇貴人牽線」,而獲致高等教育機構發展的機緣。 二、內、外在因素影響生涯之轉換 (一) 外在影響因素方面: 1. 「原生家庭教育養成與家人支持」:為本研究對象之共同影響因素,顯示女性的生涯轉換受制家庭教育影響深遠。 2. 「機運」:於藝術專業領域中,機運對於女性生涯發展具有舉足輕重之角色;相對顯示外在社會對女性投入具專業性的大學工作場域存在諸多限制。 (二) 內在影響因素方面 1. 「個人教育成就」:優異的求學表現對本研究對象而言都是正向激勵因子,在藝術教職工作場域中,教育成就是獲得生涯轉換的基本條件。 2. 「自我了解清楚」:本研究之研究對象都因對自我了解清楚,而能於生命的岔路中選擇最合適自己的路。 3. 「人格特質」與「面對生活態度」:本研究之五位研究參與者都具備共通的人格特質,她們都能勇於面對外在變遷與挑戰,並自我調適生活中諸多的衝突與壓力,掌握良機,整合多重角色的責任與目標,在家庭關係、職業企圖與自我價值需求間取得平衡。 本研究於內外因素統整過程中進一步發現,研究參與者均於婚後進行生涯轉換,且共同影響生涯轉換之內在影響因素均多於外在影響因素,顯示研究對象均有較強烈的內在動機,對於生涯目標有實踐的能力、決心與信心。因此影響女性藝術工作者生涯轉換的外在因素固然重要,但個人對於生涯轉換的內在心理動機才是生涯轉換的主要關鍵。 最後,依研究所得之分析與結論,分別對有志從事大學教職的女性、學校教育及未來相關研究提供幾項建議做為參考。


A Study of Female Art Education Teachers’ Occupational Stratification and Career Transition Abstract The study takes five female professors who have ever taught in elementary schools or junior high schools, then turned to engage in art education in art department of tertiary institutions through career conversion, and then promoted to professorship step by step as the research objects. The purpose of the study is to understand the relationship between their career transition process and mobility of occupational hierarchy, and investigate the turning point and inside and outside influencing factors that encouraged the career transition of the research objects, moreover, explore the difficulties they encountered in the process of career transition and effective solutions. The study adopted a qualitative research method, and the researchers interviewed the five study participants with semi-structured interview outline in an attempt to understand how females balance family and art work in the field of art education through the research objects’ upbringing, learning attitude, work experience and experiences of work and family in the process of career transition, and then break the traditional shackles on women to leap to the institutions of higher education in which male is majority, moreover, access to upward mobility in work and attempt to demonstrate their professions. The study concluded as below: 1. The mobility of educational achievement and related occupations in career development (1) The more highly educated females are, the higher occupational status they will be: Through education experience and career path of the five research objects, it is found that the more highly educated they are, the higher occupational status they are; the five research objects laid the foundation for self-career transition through educational achievement. (2)Guidance and upbringing, luck further upward mobility of female occupations: The four research objects out of five were given the turning points of career transition by their mentors in workplaces accidentally, and then had opportunities to develop in institutions of higher education. 2. External, internal factors influence career transition External factors: (1)“Original family education development and family support”: Both are the common influencing factors for the research objects, it shows that family education has far reaching consequences for female career transition. (2)“Luck”: In the field of arts, luck plays an important role in female career development; it relatively shows that external social puts too many restrictions on female to engage in professional university workplaces. Internal factors: (1) “Personal educational achievement”: The research objects’ excellent performance in schools is a positive incentive factor for them, in art teaching workplaces, educational achievement is the basic condition to access to career transition. (2) “Clear self-understanding”: The research objects could choose the most suitable road for themselves when there was a fork in the road of their lives because of clear self-understanding. (3)“Personality traits” and “Attitudes toward life”: The five study participants have the same personality trait, they are brave to face external changes and challenges, and self adjust many conflicts and pressures in their lives, and then grasp opportunities to integrate responsibilities and goals for multiples roles, moreover, strike a balance between family relationships, attempt on occupations and self-worth needs. In the process of internal and external factors integration, the study further found all the study participants proceeding with career transitions after marriage, and the common internal influencing factors of career transition were more than external influencing factors, it indicates that all the research objects had strong intrinsic motivation and abilities to practice, resolutions and confidences in their career goals. Therefore, although external factors are important for female artists to proceed with career transition, personal intrinsic motivation is the main key to career transition.


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