  • 學位論文


The Construction of The Interaction And The Meaning of Adult Sibling Relationship in Single – Parent Families

指導教授 : 張景媛


中 文 摘 要 本研究以敘說研究之取向探討單親家庭子女的手足關係之互動情形及其互動對個人產生的意義。 本研究所邀請四位研究參與者在成年之前,其家庭因故由雙親家庭轉變為單親家庭,而目前他們已成年,年齡在廿一至廿八歲之間。在研究方法上,研究者以非結構方式與參與者進行晤談後,將訪談內容整理成逐字稿,參照紮根理論所提供的編碼技術,運用「Nud*ist 4.0」分析軟體,分析手足關係中的互動情形,再分別將四位受訪者的手足關係發展說成故事,並進行意義的詮釋。 從四位參與者的手足關係中,本研究建構出「手足是親近而強健的」、「手足是親近而危弱的」、「手足是疏遠而強健的」、「手足是疏遠而危弱的」等四種行為脈絡以及「交流」、「照應」、「聯盟」、「授權」、「對立」、「區隔」、「補缺」等七種互動行為,並以此進行討論。而將不同的行為脈絡串聯起來後,本研究對四位參與者的手足關係做多重的詮釋,以「手足關係是一種歸屬」、「手足關係有其疏離的層面」、「手足關係事件構自我的場域」、「手足關係是拓展視域的網絡」表之。 最後,研究者對研究進行反思,並提出建議,以供單親家庭成員、心理輔導工作者以及未來研究方向上的參考。


單親家庭 手足關係 互動 意義


This research is aimed to the discussion of the sibling interaction in single-parent family and the personal significance of this interaction using narrative approach. The four participants in this research are all from families that turned single-parent before they reached their adulthood. They are all in their adult hood now and age between 21 to 28 years old. The researcher interviewed with the participants using a non-structure approach. Each interview is rearranged into written form afterward. By applying the coding technology of the grounded theory, the researcher first analyses the interaction between siblings using software Nud*ist 4.0. Then the sibling relationship of the four participants is described as a story and commented explanatorily. The researcher concludes from the sibling relationship of the four participants with four types of action contexts and seven types of interaction. The four action contexts are: siblings are accessible and strong; siblings are accessible and weak; siblings are inaccessible and strong; and siblings are inaccessible and weak. The seven types of interaction are: exchanging, care taking, allied, empowered, contradictory, distinguishing and complementary. After connecting different action contexts, the researcher interprets the sibling relationship of the four participants as: sibling relationship is a kind of belonging; sibling relationship has its own inaccessible aspects; sibling relationship is a field in which one can construct self; and sibling relationship can be a network that broadens one’s views. To conclude the research, the researcher reflects on the research and gives suggestions that may be helpful for members of single-parent families, consolers and future researchers.


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張碧雲(2010)。臺北市國中生非法藥物使用 及其家庭因素之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2010.00518
