  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 姜逸群


摘要 本研究之主要目的是想了解大學生運動行為的現況,並應用Pender(1996)所提出的「健康促進模式」為研究架構,來探討運動行為及其決定因素。本研究以北市某一所大學之大學部學生為母群,採分層集束抽樣法抽出研究樣本,並利用自填式問卷方法進行資料收集,共獲得有效樣本403人,所得資料以t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、點二系列相關、卡方檢定及徑路分析等統計方法進行分析,重要結果歸納如下: 一.研究對象有從事規律運動者佔16.87﹪,運動強度以中度運動者最 多,每週運動時間平均為1.66小時,每週運動頻率平均為3.27次,運動種類主要為步行、跑步、羽球、籃球、及游泳。 二.研究對象中,自覺健康狀況愈好、生長所在地在東部及南部、有 參加運動社團及過去有規律運動經驗,規律運動的情形愈好。男性、 自覺健康狀況愈好、有參加運動社團及過去有規律運動經驗,總運 動量愈高。 三.知覺運動利益、知覺運動自我效能、運動時的感受、運動社會支持及運動模仿與規律運動行為及總運動量均呈正相關存在;此外,住所運動設備或器具與總運動量也成正相關存在;知覺運動障礙則與規律運動及總運動量呈現負相關存在。 四.對所計劃之運動行為有承諾者有較佳的規律運動行為及較高的總運動量。 五.立即競爭性的喜好與規律運動行為及總運動量均呈正相關存在。 六.性別、參加運動社團、知覺運動自我效能、對所計劃之運動行為 的承諾及立即競爭性的需求和喜好等對運動行為有直接的預測 力;知覺運動自我效能及運動環境的規定或限制會經由對所計劃之 運動行為的承諾而間接影響運動行為;過去規律運動的經驗、自覺 健康狀況好及自覺健康狀況普通會經由知覺運動自我效能而間接 影響運動行為;與家人同住會經由運動環境的規定或限制、對所計 劃之運動行為的承諾而間接影響運動行為。


An Application of the Health Promotion Model to Investigate Exercise Behavior of Undergraduate Students A Master Thesis By Lai, Mao-Chung Abstract The main purpose of this study is to investigate the current exercise behavior of undergraduate students, and apply Pender’s Health Promotion Model(1996)to explore exercise behavior and its determinants. By using a stratified cluster sampling method, 403 of valid samples were collected with a self-administrated questionnaires. T test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation, Point-biserial correlation, Chi-square test and Path analysis were used to analyze the data. The results indicated that: (1)16.87﹪of the subjects do regular exercise and level of exercise was middle-intensity in degree. They take about 1.66 hours a week for doing exercise, the frequency of exercise were 3.27 times per week. The main types of exercise are walking, jogging, badminton, basketball, swinging.(2)The male of the subjects, the healthier they feel themselves, the growing place in the east and south of Taiwan, participated in exercise team, haven experience of regular exercise, the more likely they will perform regular exercise. The male of the subjects, the healthier they feel themselves, participated in exercise team, haven experience of regular exercise, the greater amount of physical exercise they will have.(3)Regular exercise and amount of physical exercise were positive correlated with perceived benefits for exercise, perceived self-efficacy for exercise, the feeling of exercise, exercise social support, and role modeling; while negatively correlate with perceived barriers for exercise.(4)Commitment to a plan of exercise behavior of the subjects will likely perform regular exercise and have great amount of physical exercise.(5)Regular exercise and amount of physical exercise were positive correlated with immediate competing preferences.(6)Sex, participated in exercise team, perceived self-efficacy for exercise, commitment to a plan of exercise behavior, immediate competing demands and preferences had direct influence on exercise behavior. Perceived self-efficacy for exercise and the regulations or limits of exercise environment had indirect effect on exercise behavior by commitment to a plan of exercise behavior. The regular exercise experience, perceived good and general health status had indirect influence on exercise behavior by perceived self-efficacy for exercise. Residence with family had indirect effect on exercise behavior by the regulations or limits of exercise environment and commitment to a plan of exercise behavior.




Weinberg, R.S. &Gould, D.(1995).Foundations of sport and exercise psychology. Champaign, Il: Human Kinetics.


黃貝玉(2004)。研究生規律運動行為相關因素之研究-PRECEDE-PROCEED Model之應用-〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2004200709580221
