  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 何應欽


本研究主要是研究科技產業面臨低毛利時代,如何透過本身在生產管理及多年的大陸投資經驗下,結合台灣在食用菌種植及銷售有成的農場及開發微生物菌種、保健食品的公司,透過商業模式的研究與建立來結合三者的合作力量,以期順利跨入大陸食用菌種植與銷售及保健食品的市場,進而跨足國際市場。文中選用學者Osterwalder & Pigneur et al. 2010在綜合了各種商業模式概念的基礎上,提出了一個包含九個要素 (Building Block)的商業模式參考模型 (Business Model Canvas),進行個案公司的商業模式分析。研究結果發現: 1、 大陸的食用菌市場需求持續上升,且多為農民個體戶生產居多;台灣廠商以資本集中投入工廠化及環控的生產,不但能在產量上更能在品質上更能取得穩定的優勢。 2、 三個不同屬性的投資者,過透股權結構的設計、關鍵智慧財產的專利取得及技術授權等方式,讓三者能全力共同投入經營。 3、 進入大陸保健食品市場,熟悉中國法令申請規章、選訂目標客群、建立銷售通路管道是最主要的關鍵點。 4、 目前中國投入保健食品的現有廠商,多未投入素材的生產及運用食用菌生產的保健食品亦少,初期可考量以加工合作的模式進入市場,待產品申請認證核准及通路佈建有成,再建立品牌推廣。 5、 在中國少有菌種的專利申請,未來在正式投入後,可透過智慧財產的申請保護稀有菌種的專利,讓素材的委外生產得以保護並擴大來源。


This research focuses on the study of how technology industry , facing a time of lower gross profits , successfully enters the China market and expands the business to a global scale based on years of experiences in production management and investment in China and via studying the business model, to facilitate the cooperation among successful farms of mushrooms, companies that cultivate microbial strains and health food companies so as to enter the global market. The research is based on the concepts of various business models from Osterwaler et&al.2010, which proposes a nine-element (Building Block)business model(Business Model Canvas) to analyze the business model of each case. 1、 The demand for mushroom in China continued to grow, but the production mainly comes from individual mushroom farmers. Taiwanese manufacturers, by contrast, with substantial capital investment in the factory and environmental control of production can produce mushrooms with better quality and stable quantity. 2、By the design of equity structure, the obtain of crucial patents and technology licensing to make three different kinds of investors to go all out to cooperate in the business operation 3、The key points to successfully enter the health food market in China are the familiarity with the application regulations, selection of target customers and the establishment of sales channels。 4、Most of the existing health food manufacturers do not invest in the production of mushrooms and currently the health food made from fungus is not prevalent. At the early stage of entering the market, it can be considered to start with the collaboration in food processing and goes on to brand establishment and promotion after the products are licensed and the sales channel are established. 5 The patent applications for fungus strain in China is not common and the obtain of patens can ensure that the fungus strains will not be reproduced in the future once the mass production is outsourced.


1、 王伯徹,2009年,「菇類之食藥用價值及其多樣化市場產品開發」,農業生技產業季刊,食品生技 No.18
14、 許朝凱,2007年,「國內外保健食品管理制度概況」,農業生技產業季刊,食品生技 No.11
17、 蔡淑貞,2010年,「台灣健康食品管理現況與展望」,農業生技產業季刊,食品生技 No.23
18、 劉翠玲,2010年,「全球保健食品市場現況」,農業生技產業季刊,食品生技 No.23
3、 李茂松,2007年,「以菇蕈類之國際需求探討豆朋生技之遠景」,國立成功大學高階管理碩士在職專班碩士論文。
