  • 學位論文


The Influences of Recruitment Sources Information Disclosure on Applicant Post-hire Perceptions

指導教授 : 楊文芬


近年來業界普遍面臨「新鮮人因期望落差所導致之高離職率,或是汰換工作的時間普遍較快」之難題,根據過去文獻之探討,有可能是因為組織於招募管道所釋出之資訊多寡及其可信度,而對新進員工知覺及工作成果造成影響,故本研究以此為主要之研究議題,希冀能藉此提供後續學者未來於「招募管道資訊」與「工作產出」之參考基礎,以利於釐清招募管道資訊之演進與發展,並能了解招募管道資訊對於工作產出之影響外,也能協助企業瞭解招募活動中應呈現何種資訊才能有效吸引外部人才,並能深入瞭解造成新進員工的離職意圖的可能因素,以及瞭解招募甄選之流程與活動,將對新進員工工作認知造成之影響。 本研究採用招募管道資訊中的「完整性」(Completeness)與「可信度」(Creditability)以及「期望落差」(Unmet expectation)作為自變數,並採用「離職意圖」(Intention to quit)作為應變數,並探討「期望落差」是否存在中介效果。然而,考量到過去文獻多以較簡單之題項衡量較為複雜之「招募管道資訊完整性」概念,故本研究透過文獻探討蒐集組織及工作屬性資訊類型,並於「校園徵才」招募管道調查台灣地區213家企業實際釋出之資訊,而後共歸納19項資訊類型以作為後續衡量「招募管道資訊完整性」之基礎工具,亦據此整理出台灣企業在招募管道中常會揭露的資訊類型。此外,本研究共回收15家企業及66份新進員工問卷進行分析。研究結果發現,期望落差皆具有完全中介效果。當招募管道資訊可信度越高時,較能降低新進員工之期望落差,進而降低其離職意圖;另外,與過去文獻結果相反,本研究結果發現若企業於招募管道之資訊完整性越高時,較會使新進員工之有高度期望落差,進而產生高離職意圖。


Nowadays, high turnover rate of new employees has become a more serious problem and greater challenges to corporate personnel recruitment and talent management. According to previous studies, one possible cause for such phenomenon may result from the problematic disclosure of information during the recruitment process. The present study recognizes this issue and tries to explore the effects of recruitment source information completeness and credibility on applicant’s post-hire perceptions (i.e., intention to quit). Moreover, applicant’s post-hire unmet expectation perception toward job and organization is included as a possible mediator to the aforementioned relationship. To clarify what types of information are used in actual recruitment activities, study 1 collected data from 213 companies participating campus fairs in Taiwan and found 19 types of recruitment information, which are commonly disclosed via different recruitment sources. Study 2 then tested the relationships among recruitment information completeness, credibility, unmet expectation, and applicant’s post-hire intention to quit. With a paired sample of 15 organizations and 66 newcomers, the results showed that the relationship between recruitment information completeness, credibility, and intention to quit is fully mediated by applicant’s post-hire unmet expectation perception.


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