  • 學位論文


When Playing Soccer Meets College Entrance: a Case Study of the Decision Process of College Entrance from a Women’s Soccer Team in One Senior High School

指導教授 : 鄭勝耀


本研究動機旨在瞭解一所高中女子足球隊學生面對升學選擇之決定歷程。透過個案研究法從2013年2月~12月間蒐集深入訪談資料,並佐以研究者觀察、相關文件分析與體育班學生學習歷程、Super生涯發展、生涯決策等相關文獻三角檢證,依據4位研究參與者從進到出足球路的歷程,歸納研究結論如下: 一、 立基:研究參與者與足球的邂逅,受到教練、教師、同儕影響最大,而一路加入足球隊沒有離開的原因可歸納為足球是自我的專業能力、提高社會流動的機會、家人認同球隊管理方式、同儕與教練因素。 二、 展翅:學生運動員雙重身分衝突已被多篇文獻探討會影響學生運動員的生涯發展,研究參與者卻能在「學生」與「運動員」間取得平衡,歸納受教練、同儕影響最大,教師與個人因素次之,上列因素都會提高學生身分的認同度。 三、 徘徊:升學決定歷程可分為啟蒙階段、探索階段、具體階段與選擇決定階段。研究參與者進入啟蒙階段來自於認清大學選擇無法如同過去教練規劃完整銜接學校的壓力,跨入探索階段則來自學測成績的出爐,經過內心紊亂的探索後,會隨著資訊完整找到適合自己的具體方向,並依據重要他人建議、家庭背景、距離遠近等因素而決定。 四、 翱翔:研究發現研究參與者在生涯發展探索階段「自我概念」的建立是匱乏的,歸納可能因素為女足隊封閉式的管理方式、競技運動人才三級培訓系統、週遭事物同質性高。這樣結果也導致她們在生涯規劃上有較高比例呈現生涯未定向。 根據歸納分析後的研究結論,針對教育行政機關、教練、女足隊學生與未來研究者提出相關建議如下: 一、 教育行政機關:女足隊學生因為同時兼負學生與運動員雙重身份,不僅角色間的衝突容易影響課業學習,甚至因為上課與訓練佔據大半時間而剝奪生涯或職業試探機會,都將導致未來生涯轉換的困難,種種因素下建議教育行政機關更需落實女足隊學生的課業輔導課程以及生涯與升學輔導。 二、 教練:學生運動員養成教育過程中,教練扮演非常重要的角色。因此建議教練若能屏除重競技輕學業的錯誤觀念,轉變為重視學生運動員全人教育的培養、學業與運動成就並重的觀念,再透過提早協助學生暸解未來生涯規劃,都能幫助女足隊學生生涯發展更寬廣。 三、 女足隊學生:多數運動代表隊採取集中式管理,平常接觸除了隊友就是體育班同學等同質性高的團體,加上教練偏向指令式的溝通,學生容易產生封閉、被動的思考模式。因此研究者建議學生應該透過參與活動與廣泛閱讀來開闊資訊管道,從中培養獨立思考能力。另一部分,則建議學生應該認知兼顧學業能力與專項運動表現的重要性,修正只訓練不讀書的觀念。 四、 未來研究者:從本研究發現,我國競技運動人才四級培訓政策容易養成學生聽從教練規劃升學的依賴心態,輕忽自我探索的階段,建議未來研究者可特別針對競技運動人才四級培訓政策對學生運動員升學決定與生涯規


This study aimed to realize the decision process of college entrance from a women’s soccer team in one senior high school. In-depth interviews from February to December in 2013 in the case study, along with researcher’s observation, analyses of relevant documents and student athletes’ learning process, Super career development, career decision, and the participantion process of the women’s soccer team from four participants were studied with conclusions as follows: 1. Laying foundation: The participants’ encounter with soccer was greatly influenced by coaches, teachers, and peers. The study found that the reason for which they insisted on playing soccer was that they took soccer as their self-proficiency, the opportunity of raising social mobility, family’s recognition of team management, peers and coaches. 2. Flapping wings: Plenty of literature reviewed that the dual identity conflict of student athletes would influence their career development. However, the participants could strike a balance between “students” and “athletes,” the reason for which might be that coaches and peers had the greatest influence, with teachers and individuals the second. The above reasons would raise the sense of identity as students. 3. Wandering: The decision process of college entrance can be divided into the enlightment stage, the exploration stage, the concrete stage, and the decision stage. Entering the enlightment stage, the participants recognized that college entrance was different from what coaches had arranged for them in the past andt thus were face with pressure. In the exploration stage, with the grades of Subject Ability Test, they explored with disorder and then would find the suitable, concrete ways with information sufficiently provided. And participants made the decision based on the advice of important others, the family background, and the distance from colleges to their hometown. 4. Soaring: The study found the participants lacked the development of “self-concept” in the career exploration stage, which could result from the closed management of women’s soccer team, the three levels of training system for athletic talents, and the high homogeneity of the surroundings. The consequence was a higher proportion of indecisive career planning. According to the research conclusion, some advice for education authorities, coaches, students on the women’s soccer team, and future researchers are as follows: 1. Education authorities: With the dual identity of students and athletes, the academic performance of the students on the women’s soccer team may be easily influenced by the identity conflict, and they are also deprived of the opportunity of career or occupation exploration, which would lead to the difficuty of career transition. It is suggested that education authorities need to implement the academic performance counseling curriculum and career and entrance counseling for these students. 2. Coaches: They play a crucial role in the training process for student athletes. It is therefore suggested that if coaches can abandon the wrong concept of more athletics and less schoolwork and embrace the concept of putting emphasis on the cultivation of holistic education in student athletes and equal focus on academic performance and athletic accomplishments, through early assistance in students’ career planning, coaches can benefit the career development of students on the women’s soccer team. 3. Students on the women’s soccer team: On account of the concentration management of most sports teams, students usually have contact with such high homogeniety groups as either team members or athlete students. On top of that, coaches’ dictative communication makes it easy for students to have closed and passive thinking style. Therefore, it is suggested that students should have more access to information through participating in activities and extensive reading, which in turn they can cultivate independent thinking ability. In addition, students should recognize the equal importance of academic proficiency and athletic achievements and correct the concept of “only training, no studying.” 4. Future researchers: The study found that the four-level training policy makes it easy for students to depend on coaches for college entrance planning and neglect self-exploration. It is suggested that future researchers can focus on the influence of the four-level training policy on student athletes’ entrance decision and career planning.


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