  • 學位論文


The Strategies of Taiwan Anti-Nuclear Groups Use Social Media to Organize and Mobilize

指導教授 : 唐士哲


本研究藉由Mattoni & Treré的「媒體實踐取徑」(media practice approach),從2013年以後的反核大遊行之轉變,來分析反核團體如何藉由社群網站——Facebook,來翻轉反核運動的劣勢與困境,並從訪談資料和反核團體的Facebook粉絲專頁,來描繪出反核團體的社群網站經營策略。 研究結果發現,社群網站雖然具有低成本、互動性高和較強的傳播力等特色,但由於Facebook的基本精神是「以人為本」,強調接近真實的社交感受,使得每個團體會因為所面對的粉絲不同,而有不同的傳播策略,要使用一套經營策略來讓所有反核團體達到傳播效果,並非容易之事。除此之外,主流媒體的報導仍具有一定的影響力,社群網站只是有機會讓網路上的熱門議題成為新聞題材,未必絕對握有議題的主導權。


新社會運動 反核 臉書 媒體實踐


The study by Mattoni & Treré of "media practices take Trail" (media practice approach) to analyze how the anti-nuclear groups to reverse itself by facebook predicament. This article from the interviews and anti-nuclear groups Facebook fan page, to describe the group of anti-nuclear community website business strategy. Results of this study , we found that despite Facebook has low cost, high interactivity and a strong spread of power, etc., but it emphasized "real social", which is "people-oriented" spirit. Each anti-nuclear organizations because of their different circumstances, for example, fans, community orientation, and then develop a different communication strategy. Therefore, it is difficult to find a social network site business strategy, so that it can be appiled on all social movements. In addition, the mainstream media coverage still has great influence. Social network sites just can has the opportunity to make news stories become hot topic on the Internet, not necessarily hold absolute dominance issues.


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