  • 學位論文

台灣欒樹(Koelreuteria formosana Hayayta)上紅姬緣椿象(Leptocoris abdominalis F.) 之生活史

The Life History of Leptocoris abdominalis F. on Koelreuteria formosana Hayayta

指導教授 : 張 念 台 謝 進 來


本研究探討室溫24 ± 4℃及15℃、20℃、25℃、28℃、30℃六種不同溫度下,以台灣欒樹(Koelreuteria formosana Hayayta)種子飼育紅姬緣椿象(Leptocoris abdominalis F.)之生活史。結果顯示在室溫下,卵至成蟲出現需51.7 ± 5.7日,其雌雄比例為1:1.45。室溫下除卵至一齡須11日較長外,其餘各齡期發育天數都約為6-8日。若蟲孵化時全身鮮紅色,發育至三齡背部出現黑色小翅芽,成蟲羽化後除翅與交尾器外,其餘與若蟲形態並無太大差別。 測試六溫度處理下,以15℃的卵期最長(18.7± 1.6日),30℃為最短(5.2 ± 0.8日)。但此兩溫度下孵化之幼蟲均無法發育為成蟲。其他四個溫度下,卵發育至成蟲以17℃的109.4 ± 44.3日為最長,28℃的34.9 ± 13.9日為最短,其平均世代長有明顯隨溫度增加而縮短現象,建議其最佳飼育溫度為20-28℃。雌蟲壽命較雄蟲長。在17、20、25、28℃下其雌雄比例為1:1.2至1:1.5之間。估算紅姬緣椿象發育起點溫度(C)為13.6 ±2.2℃,總有效積溫為420.3 ± 92.3日度(degree-day)。 交尾習性測試中以一雌二雄之配對所得交尾頻率最高,而交尾對象應以雌蟲為決定者。產卵習性測試則發現其最偏好產卵於粗糙的紗布上,其次為蒴果翼片,此與野外觀察雌蟲喜愛將卵產在粗糙的牆壁、樹皮或蒴果翼片上的習性相同。而單對與雌雄成群處理比較產卵數,以成群處理平均每雌產卵數23.9 ± 5.6粒較多,單對處理者之產卵數有的可達60粒,有的卻無產卵。卵孵化率以28℃下的93.0 ± 0.8%為最高,與室溫(24℃ ± 4℃)下的88.5 ± 5.4%相近,而定溫15℃下卵僅45 ± 1.3%孵化為最低。可知溫度越高紅姬緣椿象卵之孵化率越高,但溫度高於30℃孵化率則會下降。 紅姬緣椿象以台灣欒樹種子為主要食物來源,其田間族群數量會隨著台灣欒樹的季節生長之物候(phenology) 而變化。落果期椿象數目最多,每年三四月新芽期之後若無蒴果,此蟲便會離開台灣欒樹,此時其以倒地鈴(Cardiospermum halicabum L. var. microcarpum (HBK.) Bl.)為食,族群數量亦會減少。野外觀察發現一至四齡若蟲具明顯群聚現象,五齡及成蟲則會分開行動。另由紅姬緣椿象於台灣欒樹上之季節性分布觀察得知,初齡若蟲喜愛聚集於樹基,老齡若蟲及成蟲則以分布於樹幹及樹葉為主。觀察此椿象之吸食行為並不會造成台灣欒樹死亡,每年三、四月欒樹依然會吐新芽,枝葉漸漸繁密。


Life history of Leptocoris abdominalis (F.) was investigated by feeding bugs with seeds of Taiwan golden rain tree (Koelreuteria formosana Hayayta) under different temperatures, namely 15, 17, 20, 25, 28 and 30 oC, and room temperature (24 ± 4oC). The results showed that it takes 51.7 ± 5.7 days for eggs developing to adults and sex ratio of female:male was 1:1.45. Developmental duration for each stage was about 6~8 days with eggs duration being longer (11 days) at room temperature. The body color of new hatched nymph was bright red, and black wing-buds appeared on the back of third instar nymph. The genitalia of adults can only be observed after their emergence. The longest egg duration was 18.7 ± 1.6 days at 15oC while the shortest was 5.2 ± 0.8 days at 30oC. However, there was no individual can survival to adult at both 15 and 30oC. For other 4 tested temperatures, the longest time needed to develop from eggs to adults was at 17oC (109.4 ± 44.3 days) and the shortest one was at 28oC (34.9 ± 13.9 days). Thus, the most suitable temperature for rearing L. abdominalis is 20 to 28oC and the higher the temperature is, the shorter generation time they have. The longevity of female is longer than that of male. The sex ratio of female and male ranged from 1 : 1.2 to 1 : 1.5 at temperatures of 17, 20, 25, and 28oC. The critical developmental temperature (development zero) was estimated as 13.6 ± 2.2oC and the Degree-Day accumulations for this bug was 420.3 ± 92.3 DD. Mating tests showed the highest mating frequency occurring when put 1 female and 2 males together. Female seems play the leading role and decide whom it wants to mate. Oviposition tests showed that females prefer laying eggs on gauze, following on capsule leaves in laboratory test. It coincided with the observation of bugs prefer ovipositing on coarse walls, tree bulk, and capsule leaves in the field. The comparison of eggs produced between single pair and cluster treatments showed cluster treatments have more eggs produced (23.9 ± 5.6 eggs/♀) than that of single pair. Although number of eggs produced by single pair can be as high as 60 eggs/♀ while some of them did not lay any eggs. Hatching rate of eggs was highest (93.0 ± 0.8%) at 28oC and which almost the same as that at room temperature (88.5 ± 5.4%). The lowest egg hatching rate was 45.0 ± 1.3% at 15oC. The higher the temperature is, the higher the hatching rate is. However, the hatching rate decreased when temperature higher than 30oC. L. abdominalis uses the seeds of Koelreuteria formosana as its major food and its population is changing through the seasonal phenology of this tree. The population peak of L. abdominalis is reaching at the time of fruits dropping in each year. When new buds germination during March and April, the bugs always leave the trees and alternatively feed on the fruits of balloon vines (Cardospermum halicacabum L.). The population of L. abdominalis dramatically decreased during this period. Clustering behavior observation showed that the first to forth instar bugs are significantly clustering together in the field. The fifth instar and adult bugs always act independently. Young nymphs prefer to cluster at the basis of trees while aged nymphs and adults prefer stay on trunk and leaves of tree. Population of bugs was found positively correlation to seed number. Moreover, piercing and sucking of L. abdominalis on K. formosana did not cause the death of tree, on which new buds still can germinate at March and April for each year.


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