  • 學位論文


The Effects on Junior High School Students Learning Biology by Assembling Cardiopulmonary Teaching Aids

指導教授 : 羅希哲




Teaching aids and models are great tools for assisting teachers smoothly implementing teaching activities. They help students to understand and memorize well. In this study, we divided the students into groups and asked them to use the little objects which could be seen in their daily life as materials to make models of hearts, the blood circulation and lungs and then operated by hand. The purpose is to improve the learning effectiveness of seventh graders in biology. The study aims to explore the effects of assembling cardiopulmonary teaching aids on learning effectiveness of seventh graders in the blood circulation system and respiration and satisfaction of the teaching activities.The participants of the study were 60 students from two classes of seventh graders in a junior high school in Pingtung. One Class was assigned as experimental group, and we taught it by assembling cardiopulmonary teaching aids and the other class as control group, we taught it by traditional teaching methods. Through an independent samples t-test and analysis of variance, we compared the differences between the two classes, experimental group and control group, in concept development. The results show a significant effect of assembling cardiopulmonary teaching aids through hand-on teaching method on learning effectiveness of seventh graders in biology lessons. And the effect is more apparent on male students, students in well-off families, students who don’t go to cram school and upper-intermediate students. Also, the students in experimental group with hand-on teaching methods have high satisfaction in teaching content, teaching methods, learning outcomes, peer relationship, and model design. According to the results of the research, we make the following recommends: 1.Teachers can use teaching aids more frequently to increase the teaching effectiveness. 2. Hand-on teaching method can improve learning effectiveness and promote learning satisfaction. 3. Teaching aids assembled with recycling objects are both economical and environmental-friendly.


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