  • 學位論文


Dietary Supplying of Private Kindergarten in Taichung City

指導教授 : 嚴金恩


研究背景:幼兒期是幼兒飲食習慣和食物喜好的形成期,由於家庭結構的改變,現今家庭組織方式多以核心家庭、雙薪家庭為主,使得幼兒園成為供應幼兒營養及培養幼兒良好飲食習慣之重要場所。在台灣,私立幼兒園占公立幼兒園一半以上,過去調查台中地區私立幼兒園餐點供應狀況的研究甚少。因此,本研究主要目的為瞭解台中市私立幼兒園餐點熱量與營養素含量及餐點食物種類與出現頻率。 研究方法:本研究以大台中8個行政區隨機抽樣12所私立幼兒園,研究人員於幼兒用餐時,秤量老師盛裝給幼兒之餐點量,並收集一個月之餐點表進行菜單分析。 研究結果:本研究結果顯示,私立幼兒園每日平均熱量供應低於50%國人膳食營養素參考攝取量(Dietary Reference Intakes,DRIs);維生素A、維生素C及鈉供應量則高於建議量;醣類、維生素B-1、維生素B-2、鈣及鐵均低於50%DRIs。在六大類食物供應方面,全穀根莖類、奶類、蔬菜類、水果類及油脂與堅果種子類皆低於50%每日飲食指南之建議;蛋豆魚肉類則高於50%建議量。結論:本研究結果發現私立幼兒園餐點普遍營養供應不均衡,幼兒園應多供應新鮮的蔬果類及每週供應2次以上之乳製品,避免供應含糖飲料及加工類食物,使幼兒能夠攝取均衡之營養,以促進幼兒健康之成長,進而改善並建立幼兒良好的飲食習慣。


飲食 營養 私立幼兒園 幼兒


Background:Early childhood is the most important period for forming kids'' diet and food preferences. Due to the changes in family structure, nuclear families and double-income families have become the norm. Hence, kindergartens have been the most important places to supply nutrition for children and train them to choose a good diet. In Taiwan, the private kindergartens account for more than half of all the kindergartens. In the past, there were few studies which investigated the meal service of private kindergartens supplying in Taichung. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to understand the dietary energy, dietary intake and meal categorize frequency in private kindergartens in Taichung City. Methods: In this study, we used random sampling for 12 private kindergartens in 8 administrative regions in Taichung. The researchers weighed the meals each kid ate and analyzed it for one month menu of kindergarten. Results: The results of this study show the average daily calorie supply for kindergartners did not meet 50% of the recommended Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs). Vitamin A, vitamin C and sodium were higher than DRIs. Carbohydrates, vitamin B-1, vitaminB-2, calcium and iron did not reach 50% of DRIs. The quantities of grains, milk, vegetables, fruit, and oils were less than 50% of the recommended daily dietary guidelines. The quantities of meat, poultry, fish, dried beans, eggs, and nuts were higher than 50% of the DRIs. Conclusions: The results of this study found that meals are generally not nutritionally balanced in private kindergartens. They should supply fresh fruit, vegetables and dairy products more than twice a week, avoiding the supply of sugary drinks and artificial products. Children should get rich nutrition diet to promote their health and growth, thereby improving the dietary habits of children.


Dietary Nutrition Private Kindergarten Children


