  • 學位論文


Research on the Critical Success Factors of the Real Estate Transaction—Using Taichung City as an Example

指導教授 : 嚴國慶


本研究主要是在了解在房地產成交的過程中,買賣雙方所在乎的因素以及其最終成交的關鍵因素之探討。由於房地產成交因素並不盡相同,本研究將針對二個實際的成交個案作為研究對象。透過本研究個案訪談的過程,本研究得到以下結論。 一、 銀行貸款成數影響買方與賣方的購屋意願。本研究訪談論點指出,「貸款成數」與「房地產稅負壓力」等兩項皆會影響「投資性需求」與「自住性需求」,其中,「房地產稅負壓力」對於兩者皆呈現負向影響。然,其中對於「自住性需求」的「房地產稅負壓力」負向影響較不如「投資性需求」衝擊程度。 二、 奢侈稅延緩房地產市場交易量,但對於價格影響效果較不一。實務上,奢侈稅可以透過戶口遷移以適用於自住條例,加上正常金流,與其他技術性處理程序,則奢侈稅的實質影響並不如預期重大。 三、 利率政策對於購屋需求影響程度,遠較稅負具有影響力,特別是投資型購屋者。本研究訪談指出,央行調高利率會影響投資型購屋者的投資成本,而投資者會審視國際資本市場狀況與政府政策,作為物件是否可以取得銀行較高貸款成數之考量。 四、 房仲業者在房地產交易過程中扮演關鍵角色。例如,針對投資型購屋者,房仲業者必須掌握投資方的需求,例如本研究個案的賣方皆為舊屋翻新的投資客,則當初在選擇物件時,就必須針對舊屋翻新後的價值、稅負、投資成本、承接價格、融資成數與脫手市場條件等,進行沙盤推演。


This study aimed to realize the critical factors and what factors were real criteria for both sides of the real estate deals. However, since the real estate cases differed from each other. Hence, this study adopted the two successful cases to be studied. Through the interview process, the conclusions could be highlighted as following points. Firstly, the loan support from banks would affect both sides’ willingness to reach deal. This study concluded that loan support and tax on real estate deal would affect the demand for investment and demand for living. Secondly, the effects of luxury tax result in the volume of real estate market slowing, but effects on the price depended on different cases. In practice, the burden of luxury tax could be delayed or offset by moving household to fit some relief act, in order to lower the real tax. Thirdly, the effects of interest policy would be more important than tax policy, especially for those whose purposes were for investing. This study pointed that the interest-enhancing movement from Central Bank would enlarge the investing cost of those whose purposes were for investing. Investors would review the changes of international capital markets and government policies, judging whether the case could get the loan supports from bank. Fourthly, the real estate brokers could play the key role in the deal. For example, for investors, the brokers should understand the demands. When investors wanted to put new additions on old house, then brokers should focus on tax, investing cost, value-added, loan condition, future market condition.


Interest Policy Real Estate Deal Luxury Tax


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