  • 學位論文


The study of working pressure and coping strategies of the social workers in the Foreign Sposue Family Service Centers

指導教授 : 李克明


摘要 本研究旨在探討「外籍配偶家庭服務中心」社工員工作壓力源與因應方式。將工作壓力源分為工作負荷、人際關係、工作與家庭衝突、生涯發展、上級支援需求等五個層面;工作壓力因應方式分為社會支持因應策略、問題焦點積極因應策略、問題焦點消極因應策略、情緒焦點積極因應策略、情緒焦點消極因應策略等五種。本研究採用問卷調查法,以全國25處外籍配偶家庭服務中心之社工員,總共76位為調查對象。所得資料以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關等統計方法進行分析。 本研究獲致結果如下: (1)目前外籍配偶家庭服務中心社工員以年輕、社工資歷不高、未婚以及社工相關科系畢業者居多;(2)在工作壓力源方面,以「人際關係」層面的感受程度最高,「工作與家庭衝突」層面的感受程度最低;(3)在工作壓力因應方面,以「社會支持因應策略」面向的知覺程度最高,「問題焦點消極因應略」面向的知覺程度最低;(4)外籍配偶家庭服務中心社工員的背景變項與工作壓力源的知覺有關;(5)外籍配偶家庭服務中心社工員的背景變項與工作壓力因應知覺有關;(6)工作壓力源與工作壓力因應有相關;(7)開放問卷部分,顯示工作壓力源來自「工作負荷」層面佔多數,而工作壓力因應方式採「社會支持因應策略」佔多數。 根據研究結論,本研究對主管機關提出以下建議: (1)辦理研習進修強化社工員溝通協調能力,並關注不同區域外籍配偶家庭服務中心的需求;(2)重視社工員的身心需求,適度辦理聯誼活動,以促進成員的情感交流;(3)整合相關單位與資源並設立專責對話窗口,建置完善工作模式並簡化繁瑣的行政流程與表格作業。 對外籍配偶家庭服務中心社工員之建議如下: (1)加強經驗交流分享,建立區域策略聯盟發展合作關係;(2)關照同仁彼此之間的工作與生活情形,並形塑成為一個互助的團隊;(3)強化時間管理技巧,促進工作效率。


Abstract The main purpose of this study is searching for the working pressure and its coping strategics of the social workers in the Foreign Spouse Family Service Centers. The working pressure is derived from five sources that including: the working burden, human relationship, the conflict between job and family, the development of career, and support and demand coming from the supervisors. The coping strategics of the working pressure include the social supporting coping strategy, focus of problem positive coping strategy, focus of problem negative coping strategy, focus of mood positive coping strategy, and focus of mood negative coping strategy. The study adopts the questionnaire survey to 76 social workers of 25 National Foreign Spouse Family Service Centers and 100% adaptive questionnaires. It includes t-test,one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation to proceed the statistic analysis. The conclusion of the study as follows: (1) Currently in the Foreign Spouse Family Service Centers, most of the social workers are young, inexperienced, unmarried, and the graduates of the related social work science major.(2) For the causes of the working pressure: The highest degree experience is from human relationship. The lowest degree experience is from the conflict between job and family.(3) For the coping strategics of the working pressure: The highest degree recognition is from the social supporting coping strategy. The lowest degree recognition is from focus of problem negative coping strategy. (4) For the causes of the working pressure: There is a strong correlation among the different individual background factors to the social workers in the Foreign Spouse Family Service Centers.(5) For the working pressure coping recognition: There is a significant difference among the different individual background factors to the social workers in the Foreign Spouse Family Service Centers.(6) There is a strong correlation for the causes of the working pressure to the coping strategics of the working pressure.(7) The open questionnaires appear that most of the causes of the working pressure come from the working burden and most of the coping strategics of the working pressure take social supporting coping strategy. Based on the conclusion of the study, the suggestions to the administration as follows: (1) Holding the advance study and training to enhance the abilities of communication and coordination and concerning about the demands of the Foreign Spouse Family Service Centers in the different areas.(2)In order to emphasize physical and mental demands of the social workers, we can improve the social workers’ relationships through holding some reasonable social activities.(3)To integrate the relevant departments and sources to set up the special dialogue windows, to set up the perfect working model, and to simplify the complicated administrative process and form operation. The suggestions to the social workers of the Foreign Spouse Family Service Centers as follows: (1) To enhance experience exchange and sharing and build up an area strategic association to develop the cooperative relationship.(2) To take care of jobs and living conditions among the colleagues and become a mutual assistance Team Work.(3) To strengthen the skill of time management and to improve the job efficiency.


Coping Strategy Job Stress Social worker


康芸(民96)。社工人員對於自身勞動權益的覺知與因應策略之探討? 以臺北市公設民營之社會福利機構為例 。慈濟大學社會工作研究所碩士論文,花蓮。
