  • 學位論文


The related research on campus construction and creative management in Taichung City public elementary schools

指導教授 : 林海清


摘 要 本研究旨在瞭解臺中市國民小學教育人員校園規劃與創意經營相關之現況,旨在探討教育人員校園規劃與創意經營的關係,分析教育人員校園規劃變項對教育人員創意經營的相關。 本研究採用問卷調查法,研究工具為研究者自編「臺中市國民小學校園規劃與創意經營相關之研究調查問卷」;受試者包括臺中市32所國民小學校長、主任、組長、教師計312位。所蒐集的資料經分別以描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、雪費法(Scheffe''s)考驗、Pearson積差相關等方法進行統計分析,獲得下述研究結論: 一、臺中市國民小學教育人員在校園規劃的功能性、藝術性、永續性、創意性、參與性及整體校園規劃等層面都具有相當高的知覺。 二、臺中市國民小學教育人員在創意經營的教學創新、行政創新及策略聯盟等層面都具有相當高的知覺。 三、臺中市國民小學教育人員在校園規劃知覺會因教育人員不同性別、職務、教育背景、學校規模而有顯著差異。 四、臺中市國民小學教育人員在校園規劃「永續性」層面會因不同服務年資而有顯著差異。 五、臺中市國民小學教育人員在校園規劃「參與性」層面會因不同創校歷史而有顯著差異,尤以創校歷史在41年以上者比15年以下者參與意願更高。 六、臺中市國民小學教育人員在創意經營「創新教學」層面會因不同性別、不同學校規模而有顯著差異,尤其以男性比女性得分高。 七、臺中市國民小學教育人員在創意經營「策略聯盟」層面會因不同性別、服務年資、職務、學校規模、創校歷史而有顯著差異。 八、臺中市國民小學教育人員「校園規劃」與「創意經營」之相關達顯著水準,且呈現正相關。


創意經營 校園規劃


Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of educators’ campus planning and creative management in Taichung City public elementary schools, and to further analyze the predictability of correlation between educators’ campus planning variables and their creative management. This investigation was based on questionnaire survey. The survey instrument was a self-designed questionnaire, entitled “Questionnaire of the Related Research on Campus Planning and Creative Management in Taichung City Public Elementary Schools.” Samples, 312 in total, consisted of principles, directors, teacher heads, and teachers from 32 schools. The data obtained by the questionnaire were analyzed by description statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe''s test, and Pearson’s’ product-moment correlation. The results of the study are as follows: 1.In Taichung public elementary schools, educators are of better sense and knowledge in functionality, artistry, ever-lasting, creativity, participation, and total campus planning. 2.In Taichung public elementary schools, educators are of better sense and knowledge in creative management, with respect to teaching innovation, administration innovation, and strategic coalition. 3.In Taichung public elementary schools, educators’ sense and knowledge in campus planning is greatly differentiated based on their gender, duty, education background, and school scale. 4.In Taichung public elementary schools, educators’ planning regarding “ever-lasting” is significantly influenced by their seniority. 5.In Taichung public elementary schools, educators’ planning in the aspect of “participation” is influenced by school history. Those from schools of more than 41-year-old are willing to involve more than those of less than 15-year-old. 6.In Taichung public elementary schools, educators’ creative management, with respect to “innovative teaching,” is greatly influenced by gender and school scale. Males have received higher marks than females. 7.In Taichung public elementary schools, educators’ creative management, with respect to “strategic coalition,” is greatly influenced by gender, seniority, duty, school scale, and school history. 8.In Taichung public elementary schools, there is a significantly positive correlation between educator’s campus planning and creative management.


creative management campus planning




