  • 期刊


Planning of the Auxiliary Environment in Calculus Course


在本文中,我們為學習微積分的同學,介紹一個精心設立的輔助學習環境-CMU微積分網站。在微積分的教學上,提供一個輔助學習的環境。希望透過這個網站,能提供給初學者一個「如虎添翼」、「如魚得水」的學習環境。 由於科技的發達,網際網路無遠弗屆,其重要性無可取代。如何運用網際網路的優點,協助初學者對本課程做有效的學習?憑藉著對本課程的服務理念,我們排除所有遇到的困難,終於完成了本網站的架構。不容否認其仍有很大的改善空間,儘管如此,我們仍以瑕不掩瑜自勉。基於對本課程所扮演角色的省思,改革將持續進行著,我們堅信理想終將實現。


In this paper, we establish a careful Calculus Website, named CMU Calculus Website, for study Calculus schoolmate. In the Calculus teaching, we offer an environment of auxiliary study. We hope this website provide to the beginner even more powerful learning environment. Development because of science and technology, the internet network is borderless and its importance can't already be replaced. How to use the advantage of the internet network to help beginner's effective study of the Calculus Course? According to making use of the idea of service for this course, we get rid of all difficulty we met and finished the structure of this website at last. It can't deny that there is very big improvement space in it, even so. It is encouraged oneself that the defects cannot obscure the merits. Because of the pondering over of the role that this course is acted, the reform will going on continuously, and we will believe firmly that the ideal' the beautiful new views' will be realized at last.


R. A. Adams.Calculus.Addison-Wesley.
R. A. Barnett,M. R. Ziegler,K. E. Byleen.(Calculus for Business Economics Life Sciences & Social Sciences).
G.C. Berresford.(Calculus With Applications To The Management, Social, Behavioral, & Biomedical Sciences).
R. B. Larson,R. P. Hostetlerand,B.H. Edward.(Calculus with Analytic Geometry).
P. Gillett.Calculus with Analytic Geometry.D.C. Heath and Company.
