  • 學位論文


To Anchor or to Voyage? The Influence of Organizational Culture on Child Protect Social Worker’s Retention

指導教授 : 劉淑瓊


本研究擬從一線社工之觀點來探討社工所感受之組織文化與兒保社工決定去留間的關聯性。故以質性研究方法,並運用立意取樣與滾雪球取樣方法,以二個不同之兒保組織中留任與離職之兒保社工為研究對象,邀請A兒保組織中一位留任者,二位離職者、B兒保組織中二位留任者,一位離職者進行半結構式深度訪談。整體研究發現如下: 一、二組織文化內涵不同 A兒保組織前期傾向於建設性文化;後期之A兒保組織與B兒保組織之組織文化類於防衛性文化。 二、去留任之原因分析 以六位受訪者之去留任原因分析,離去因著組織文化轉變、組織關係不佳與個人職涯因素;留下之原因則為正向組織文化氛圍、組織關係支持與社工對專業認同與工作之熱忱。 三、人與組織適配性 六位受訪者中多數認為個人之能力適配於兒保工作,惟不適配於組織。 四、二組織文化之組織關係層面差異導致不同之組織氣候氛圍 雖二組織之文化整體較傾向於防衛性文化,惟組織關係層面仍有許多不同之處。如B兒保組織中受訪者認同組織之中階主管階層、督導及同儕所提供之支持與協助措施,故受訪者對於組織氣候氛圍之感知較正向,能吸引社工留任。 雖臺灣之兒保組織普遍身處於相同之外部環境中,組織亦無法影響外部環境,惟如組織中主管階層、督導階層與同儕階層依各自之能動性,採取不同之因應作為與應對措施,可影響一線社工對於組織文化之感受,左右兒少保社工對於去留之決定。另留下來之社工皆反映雖較無法接受組織現行之「行政管考」制度,惟個人對於專業之認同與兒保工作之熱愛仍可支持兒保社工繼續前行,故本研究亦建議組織應透過建立良好之組織關係,由主管、督導與同儕之不同層級之作為強化一線社工對於專業認同與組織之凝聚力,利於留下更多對於保護性工作有熱忱之兒保社工。


This study aimed to understand the relationship between organizational culture and job retention or turnover of child protective services worker in the view of governmental child protective services organizational in Taiwan. This study used the “purposeful sampling” and “snowball sampling“ of qualitative research methods to include the participants, and inquired semi-structured in-depth interviews. The participants were chosen from two Child Protective Services organization (organization A and B), one job retention workers and two turnover workers from organization A, and two job retention workers and one turnover workers form B organization. The overall finding listed as follow: 1.The organizational culture between two organizations was different: The A organization tended to have “constructive culture” in the past few years ago, but seemed to have “defensive culture” now. The organization B seemed to have “defensive culture” all the time. 2.The reason of job retention and turnover: The turnover reason of participants in this study included: the alteration of organizational culture, the poor organizational relationship, and personal career planning. The job retention reason of participants in this study included: Positive organizational culture climate, supportive organizational relationship, professional commitment, and enthusiasm to work. 3.Individual-organization fit: The six participants in this study all recognized their ability fit the demand of child protective services, but not the organization. 4.The difference between the organizational relationship of two organization led to different organizational climate: Although the overall organizational culture of the two organization in this study had “defensive culture”, the organizational relationship between them were not the same. The participants in organization B appreciate the support of their middle management, supervisor, and colleague, which led to their positive feeling to the organizational climate and decision of career planning. The child protective services organization in Taiwan were all in the same external environment, which the they cannot alter, but the middle management, supervisor, and colleague can come out the countermeasures based on their agency. These countermeasures could indeed affect the feeling of the organizational culture of frontline social worker, and change the decision of career planning. The job retention social worker in this study all had negative opinion to the nowadays oversight and evaluation system, but their professional commitment and enthusiasm for child protective services can sustain them to continually work. In conclusion, in order to keep more child protective services worker with enthusiasm, the finding in this study suggest the child protective services organization should establish positive organizational relationship, and strengthen the professional commitment and cohesion of frontline social worker from the middle management, supervisor, and colleague level.


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