  • 學位論文


Neoliberal Governance and the Reusage of Urban Space: Case Study of Urban Regeneration Station in Taipei City

指導教授 : 趙永茂


本研究旨在關注全球化浪潮席捲下的台北市及其全球化政治經濟變遷過程,指出台北市如何在面對全球城市競爭的競賽中,順應著後福特時代世界各國治理策略的演進脈絡,採取新自由主義式的治理模式作為都市發展的方針,以解除管制、削減政府成本以及吸引流動資本作為策略前提,試圖在政策過程中引進私人資本與民間力量,透過地方文化產業的創新群聚等文化治理策略來推動台北市的都市空間再利用與整體的都市再發展,並透過台北市「都市再生前進基地(Urban Regeneration Station, URS)」計畫為個案進行實證分析,作為論證的依據。 同時,本研究將在分析台北市都市空間再利用結合文化治理的過程中,指認都市企業主義的崛起,作為分析的發問觀點。希望可以透過辨識台北市新自由主義治理模式與邁向企業型都市發展的雙重理論架構,一方面構築批判視角,檢視台北市都市空間中普遍呈現出的不均都市地理樣貌與資本關係,以及在都市空間再利用政策中市民參與的普遍缺席;另一方面則期待能藉由上述研究與分析指出,在台灣特殊的政經歷史背景之下,都市治理的論述在結合新自由主義意識形態主張小政府、個體選擇與市場經濟理性的概念下引進私人資本與民間力量;政府的角色看似撤退了,但從實際的運作過程來看,新自由主義的都市治理模式像是由政府主導了一種隱匿地圖利特定利害關係者的策略,對照台灣傳統地方政治生態中政商依恃與結盟關係與運作方式兩者之間似存在著曖昧的關聯性與沿襲性。


Since the 1980s, the development of the Post Welfare State arose a lot of political predicaments and ruling crisis, in order to deal such problems, neoliberal ruling model rose, emphasized on many governed measures, such as privatization, liberalization, deregulation, and reduce the intervene from state. Under such background, some old democratic countries, for example, UK and the United State, increasingly offered public services which based on the concept of “ governance”, emphasize on the coordination between government, enterprises, and civil society, rather than all dealt by state or government. At the same time, accompanied by the crisis of Keynesianism in the 1980s is the wave of globalization, which brought the rapid progress of information techniques and the great transformation on the relation of economical production. Such transformations affect on the interaction between state and civil society, shape a new scale of global politics, and express an altered geography of social relations. Moreover, this new social and geographical appearances highlight the feature of porosity in traditional nation states, relieve the productive system from the whole country, downscale the system toward local and regional level, practice the territorialization of production. As a result, the meaning of city has been reshaped, and structures the discourses of New Urbanism. As a progress or technique of governing and ruling, governance intends to reach the status of good governance. However, observing the interactions between state and civil society, although the state never lack of delicate policies and services, there still exist the failure of governance, such as the phenomena of lack of participation, resources wasting, spaces idling, over marketization, and the collapse of public‐private partnerships. Furthermore, we can also discover the problems of poverty gap, gentrification, geographical uneven, and the dominance of market rational, through the developments of New Urbanism and the flourishing rising of global cities all over the world. Based on the theoretical discussions mentioned above, this thesis will focus on the practical process of neoliberal governance in Taipei City, and observe a case study: the “Urban Regeneration Station” program, which is proposed by Taipei City Government for the purpose of urban regeneration. Through the analysis of case study, this thesis tries to argue that the neoliberalization and urban entrepreneurialism of Taipei City demonstrates the clientelist and coalition structure which dominate the local society in Taiwan.




