  • 學位論文


Dispatched Employment in the Public Sector in Taiwan-With Special Reference to the Practices in National Parks

指導教授 : 林子倫


在全球勞動市場彈性化趨勢下,政府為有效領導和管理,透過業務重新檢討與設計,將非屬於核心業務的行政事務委由民間與私人機關提供服務,因此,政府組織彈性用人模式逐漸朝向採勞務採購的方式使用派遣人力。依據行政院人事行政局 2010 年 1 月 31 日「行政院所屬各主管機關運用派遣勞工人數統計表」資料中顯示,行政院轄下 41 個部會中,運用派遣勞工總數為 1 萬 5,514人,但另依據行政院勞工委員會於 2010 年 1 月 4 日至 1 月 20 日首次調查以提供各部會派遣人力之派遣事業單位分北、中、南篩選 60 家,實施「派遣勞工權益專案檢查」,高達 85% 承攬政府勞動派遣的公司違法,顯見,勞動派遣雖然可以增加僱用之靈活,但背後也隱藏著諸多問題,在此一趨勢下,若能深入了解政府機構勞動派遣模式,發現勞動派遣運用的問題,並進一步採取適切的管理措施,組織便可以有效利用派遣員工達到最大的效益。本研究以臺灣國家公園作為研究的個案係因其成立目的在於保護國家特有之自然風景、野生物及史蹟,並供國民之育樂及研究所具有的特殊性及運用派遣勞工比例較其它政府部門高所具有代表性。本研究的目的係為了解勞動派遣之相關概念、國內外勞動派遣之發展情形,以進一步探討國家公園運用勞動派遣的因素、分析國家公園勞動派遣的運用情形,並發現國家公園運用勞動派遣的影響。本研究採質化方式,對國家公園管理處內管理派遣勞工之人員與得標派遣廠商暨派遣勞工進行深度訪談,再對學者、政府官員進行訪問有關政府部門運用勞動派遣的相關議題,以作為本研究的參考。最後,歸論出結論如下:一、國家公園使用勞動派遣早期的原因為取代納入勞動基準法適用範圍的清潔人員及海邊巡邏員等臨時工,但之後又或基於現有編制人員的不足或因需要專業的人員等因素;二、派遣業者的選定大多以「價格標」的方式進行;三、國家公園對派遣人員選任的介入與派遣人員的低流動率;四、國家公園給付派遣人員薪資方式、勞動條件與福利差異性大;五、運用勞動派遣對業務推動實有助益;六、勞動派遣發展將因勞動基準法的修正受到限制。


Under the trend of global labor market flexibility, the government re-examines and deigns the business of effective leadership and management through commissioning administrative affairs of non-core business to private sector and agencies. Consequently, the patterns of employment flexibility in governmental organizations have gradually shifted from labor procurement to dispatched employment. The“Number of Dispatched Workers Practice for Competent Authorities Under Executive Yuan Statistics Table” released by the Central Personnel Administration, Executive Yuan on January 31st, 2010, showed that, among the 41 departments under the Executive Yuan, the total number of practice in dispatched workers was 15,514 people. Nonetheless, the preliminary survey conducted by the Council for Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan between January 4th and 20th, 2010, with regards to the implementation of “Examination of dispatched worker rights project” for 60 human resource dispatch business units of all departments in Northern, Central and Southern Taiwan, showed that as high as 85% of the companies contracting in governmental dispatched work were illegal. It is apparent that although dispatched employment enhances flexibility in employment, there are also various problems hidden. Under such trend, the organization can effectively utilize dispatched workers to achieve maximum benefits when comprehending the dispatched employment patterns of governmental agencies, discovering the issues with practice in dispatched employment, and further adopting appropriate management measures. The study conducts case study on Taiwan National Parks with purpose of establishment in preserving the special natural sceneries wild animal and historical events of the State, in addition to the uniqueness in providing civilians recreation and research purpose and its representation in having higher dispatched workers percentage than other governmental departments. The purpose of the study aims to understand the relevant concepts of dispatched employment and development of domestic and international dispatched employment, in order to further discuss the factors in the practice of dispatched employment in national parks, analyze the practice of dispatched employment in national parks and discover the influence of dispatched employment practice in national parks. The study adopts qualitative method to carry out in-depth interview with the personnel in charge of dispatched workers in the management office of national parks, the winning contractor and dispatched workers. The study also conducts interview with scholars and governmental officials on issues related to the practice of dispatched employment in governmental departments, as reference to the study. Finally the study draws conclusion as follows: 1.The reason for early practice of dispatched employment in national parks aimed to replace the cleaning staff, beach patrol and temporary workers within the applicable scope of Labor Standards Law, which was however subject to the shortage in staff or need for professional staff. 2. The selection of dispatch companies is mostly carried out in “price bidding.” 3. Intervention of dispatched workers selection from national parks and low turnover rate of dispatched workers. 4. Huge difference in payroll, labor conditions and welfare paid by national parks to dispatched workers. 5. The practice of dispatched employment has real benefits towards business promotion. 6. The development of dispatched employment is subject to limitation due to modification in Labor Standards Law.


邱駿彥,2006,〈派遣勞動法律關係若干疑義之考察〉,《臺北大學法學論叢》, 60:47-74。
