  • 學位論文


Personality and professional competency for New Taipei City school-based occupational therapists

指導教授 : 張彧


本研究之目的在於針對曾經申請過職能治療服務的特教教師與幼兒園教師,以及服務學校系統之職能治療師進行調查。了解兩族群對理想中學校系統之職能治療師應具備的人格特質與專業能力為何,並進一步比較兩族群之意見差異。以作為未來職能治療師選擇進入學校系統服務的參考,並對職能治療師在學校系統相關的教育課程提供建議。   研究以問卷調查,其中內容以美國勞工局所設計之職業分類系統(O*NET)為基礎,針對人格特質、技巧、能力、綜合知識、核心知識等五大部分進行問卷題目設計,以郵寄及在研討會發放問卷的方式針對新北市公立高中職(含)以下學校的特教教師、專職特教行政教師、幼兒園教師以及服務新北市學校的職能治療師進行普查。共計發出教師版問卷1597份問卷,回收1133份問卷(回收率70.95%)。職能治療師版發出49份問卷,回收49份(回收率100%)。有效問卷於人格特質部分為教師版804份(有效率50.34%),治療師版41份(有效率83.67%);技巧部分為教師版690份(有效率43.20%),治療師版41份(有效率83.67%);能力部分為教師版699份(有效率43.77%),治療師版40份(有效率81.63%);綜合知識為教師版724份(有效率45.34%),治療師版42份(有效率85.71%);核心知識則為教師版755份(有效率47.28%),治療師版46份(有效率93.88%)。所得資料以統計軟體SPSS 19.0進行次數統計、加權後百分比統計、獨立樣本t檢定等統計方式來對兩族群意見差異比較。 研究結果顯示:教師與治療師在看待服務學校系統的職能治療師應具備的人格特質與專業技能與知識一致性頗高。(一)、服務學校系統之職能治療師所應具備之人格特質應為「社會型人格」;(二)、專業技巧最重要項目為「觀察力」、「服務引導」、「示範與指導」。(三)、專業能力最重要項目則包含「問題敏感度」、「口語表達與清晰度」、「口語理解」、「演繹或歸納推理」。(四)、綜合知識最重要項目為「心理學、治療與諮商」、「醫學」、「教育學和訓練」、「社會、人類學」、以及「顧客與個人化服務」。(五)、核心專業知識最重要則包含「篩檢與評估」、「介入計畫:進行擬定與執行」、「職能治療理論」、「專業倫理、價值與責任」與「職能治療基本準則」。在教師族群中,看待服務學校系統的職能治療師人格特質與專業能力有因為特教服務年資與學校層級不同而有所差異,特教服務年資3年以下的新進教師族群,給予服務學校系統的職能治療師人格特質在「藝術型」與「企業型」的重要性比資深特教教師們為高。而技巧項目中,新進特教教師則給予「示範與指導」、「操作分析」的重要性較資深特教教師來得低,而在「人力資源管理」及「組織分析評估」兩技巧項目的認定比資深教師族群來得高。能力項目中,新進特教教師則給予「書面表達」、「原創性」此兩項目的重要性較資深特教教師來得低。而在知識項目中,包含綜合知識類別中的的「社會、人類學」、「教育學和訓練」、「行政和管理」、「法律和政府」、「神學和哲學」以及「文書」等項目,以及核心知識的「職能治療基本準則」、「職能治療服務之管理」、「研究的運用」、「專業倫理、價值與責任」,新進特教教師則給予其重要性都比資深特教教師來得高。而幼兒園教師明顯比高、國中與國小的特教教師們,在眾多項目上都給予較高的重要性得分。但在治療師族群中,可能因樣本數因素,資深或新進職能治療師並未能發現在在看待這些專業知能與人格特質發現有顯著的差異。   依據上述研究結果,提供欲選擇學校系統領域服務之治療師參考,以求自我本職學能之精進;促進職能治療師們能積極對特教教師或幼兒園教師進行溝通,讓職能治療師們能更了解學校系統服務業務範疇與專業能力。此外,並建議國內職能治療科所應開立上述相關之課程內容進行教學,以及未來學校系統領域之繼續教育課程亦應朝此方向進行適當規劃。


The aim of this study is to explore the difference of personality type, skills, knowledge for school-based occupational therapists among special education teachers’ and school-based occupational therapists in New Taipei City. The survey was conducted by questionnaires adopted from Occupational Information Network (O*NET). The questionnaires were mailed to 1597 kindergartens’ teachers and special education teachers in public schools, and 49 school-based occupational therapists. About the personality style, there were 804 valid questionnaires in special education teachers’ edition and 41 valid questionnaires in occuptionl therapists’ edition for further analysis. In skills, there were 690 valid questionnaires in special education teachers’ edition and 41 valid questionnaires in occuptionl therapists’ edition for further analysis; in ability items, there 699 valid questionnaires in special education teachers’ edition and 40 in occuptionl therapists’ edition. In general knowledge, there were 724 valid questionnaires in special education teachers’ edition and 42 in occuptionl therapists’ edition; in core knowledge, there were 755 valid questionnaires in special education teachers’ edition and 46 in occuptionl therapists’ edition for further analysis. As to data processing, the statistics was analyzed through SPSS 19.0 for Windows, including descriptive statistics, reliability, and independent-sample T tests. The results indicated a high level of consensus among participants among most items. The major findings are listed as follows: 1. The most important personality style for school-based occupational therapist was “Social”. 2. The most important skills for school-based occupational therapist were: “Social Perceptiveness”, “Services Orientation”, and “Instructing”. 3. The most important abilities for school-based occupational therapist were: “Problem Sensitivity”, “Oral Expression and Speech Clarity”, “Oral Comprehension”, and “Deductive and Inductive Reasoning”. 4. The most important knowledge for school-based occupational therapist were: “Therapy, Counseling and Psychology”, “Medicine”, “Education and Training”, “Sociology and Anthropology”, and “Administration and Management”. 5. The most important core knowledge for school-based occupational therapist were: “Screening and Evaluation”, “Intervention”, “Occupational theory”, “Professional Ethics, Values, and Responsibility”, and “Occupational Therapy Basic Guidelines”. Experience and work place could influence the important grade in teachers’ group, such as “Art” and “Enterprising” personality style. Special education teachers’ working below 3 years showed lower important grade in “Instructing” and “Operations Analysis”, but higher in “Management of Personnel Resources” and “System analysis and evaluation”. They also gave lower important grade in “Written Expression” and “Originality” than senior special education teachers. About the knowledge, special education teachers’ working below 3 years showed higher important grade in “sociology and anthropology”, “Education and Training”, “Administration and Management”, “Law and Government”, “Philosophy and Theology”, “Clerical”, “occupational therapy basic guidelines”, Occupational Therapy Management”, “Research”,and “professional ethics, values, and responsibility”. Kindergarten teachers also gave higher important grade than special education teacher in public school among most items. But not in the occupational therapists’ group, there were no difference between the younger and senior occupational therapists. It might be the sample was too small to appear the result. The findings have implications for ideal personality style and competency for school-based occupational therapists who worked in New Taipei City. All occupational therapy schools in the universities need to take a closer look at the course for the students preparing to be school-based occupational therapists. It is encouraged school-based occupational therapists to engage in continuing professional development among this field.


