  • 學位論文


An Approach for Assessing Reachability of Wheelchair Users

指導教授 : 謝尚賢


近年來台灣人口族群的結構已逐漸偏向高齡族群,其居住環境的需求必須考慮到高齡族群之健康狀態,在建築及室內空間的設計上也需要對輔助器材的物理限制加以考慮。但設計者在以人工檢驗設計成品時,並無法全面顧及規範條文中的標準,而且規範中設定的標準是一種通用性的參考。因此在以個人需求進行客製化設計的情形下,如何讓居住環境的設計能更加符合實際需求,是一項待解決的課題。 由於電腦科技發展迅速,建築設計的流程已從以往的圖紙作業轉向電腦輔助的繪圖流程,也因為資料數位化的演進,電腦可輔助設計者處理龐大的資料運算,像是空間規劃、規範檢查、物體碰撞等需要龐大計算量處理的問題,都可以通過電腦的協助得到解答。近年來,營建產業資訊電子化的趨勢逐漸加快,使得與建築相關的資訊能夠更快速與方便的流通。為瞭解決設計者在規劃輪椅使用者的生活環境時,面對眾多的設計項目檢驗時的高複雜度,本研究以三維數位建築模型以及數位輪椅使用者模型為檢驗資料,匯入遊戲引擎中以模擬物件碰撞的方式,從輪椅使用者的實際表現對室內環境中設備的可及性進行檢驗,並以視覺化的方式呈現檢驗成果,讓設計者可得知目前的空間規劃與設備配置是否具有潛在的缺失,期望能輔助設計者在規劃輪椅使用者的生活環境時,能有效的避免設計上的盲點。


This research aims to provide an approach for assessing reachability of wheelchair users in indoor environment. In recent years, more and more attentions have been paid by the government on considering the convenience of disability and setting up standards to aid architects in designing barrier-free facilities. But most of the standards are prescriptive-based which use fixed parameters of rules to guide the design of barrier-free facilities. The results from this kind of design do not guarantee the amenity of facility use for disability, e.g. wheelchair users. To address this issue, performance-based standards have been proposed to consider the usability of facilities for disability from the viewpoint of performance of barrier-free facilities. Taking advantage of performance-based design, this research develops a prototype system called PAW (Program for Assessing Reachability of Wheelchair Users) to support architects in designing barrier-free space by reducing the complexity and difficulty of assessing reachability of the wheelchair users. PAW uses the 3D models of building and wheelchair user as input data, and MicrosoftTM XNA game engine and NVidiaTM PhysX physical engine as tools for simulating the movement of wheelchair users within buildings. Also, PAW provides 3D views to show the assessment results and to help architects discover conflicts or mistakes in building design.


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