  • 學位論文


Studies on the Constituents of the Leaves of Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana

指導教授 : 郭悅雄


台灣扁柏(Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana),又名黃檜或厚殼,特產於台灣中央山脈海拔1,300~2,800公尺之山區,其木材有辣味、具芳香、且耐朽抗蟲性之強,本省其他木材均難與之匹敵。台灣扁柏葉部,以丙酮浸泡得到之萃取物。運用矽膠薄層分析、高效液相層析儀及再結晶等方法進行進一步的分離純化。單離以後的化合物在測得紅外線光譜、氫核磁共振圖譜、碳核磁共振圖譜與質譜後,經推測為已知化合物者,則與文獻值比對確定其結構。若是新化合物,依需要進行二維核磁共振圖譜實驗確定其結構。 本實驗共鑑定得到120個化合物,分別為: 一、倍半萜類(Sesquiterpenoids) 化合物 21個 二、雙萜類(Diterpenoids) 化合物63個 三、木酚素類(Lignoids) 化合物19個 四、固醇類(Steroids) 化合物2個 五、其他類(Others) 化合物15個 其中21個為新化合物,3個為從天然界首次分離得到的化合物,新化合物中有1個具有新骨架。分析台灣扁柏葉部的化學成分,發現其化合物骨架及立體關係變化多端且極為有趣。


葉部 臺灣扁柏


Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana (Cupressacece) is endemic to Taiwan, distributed at altitudes of 1,300~2,800 meters. The wood of this tree is the best building materials in Taiwan. The acetone extract from the leaves of C. obtusa var. formosana was concentrated to give a residue which was partitioned between ethyl acetate and water. The ethyl acetate layer was separated by column chromatography on silica gel, preparative thin layer chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to give 120 compounds. Of these compounds, 21 of them are new (including one novel skeleton) and 3 are isolated for the first time from natural sources. Among the isolated components, there are 21 sesquiterpenoids, 63 diterpenoids, 19 lignoids, 2 steroids, the other 15 do not belong to any of the above categories. The known compounds were identified by spectral analysis and compared with those reported in literatures or from authentic samples. The structures of new compounds were elucidated by spectral evidence including 1D and 2D techniques.


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