  • 學位論文


The Symbiotic Relation between the State and Enterprise in Taiwan: A Case Study on the Development of CTCI Corporation

指導教授 : 張國暉


過去威權時期,國家機器強勢領導產業發展方向並帶動經濟成長,使台灣成為「發展型國家」的理論典範,而工程服務業的發展亦是鑲嵌於這段脈絡當中。早期國家刻意培植「中國技術服務社」,使其參與國內各項重大公共建設計畫,之後,受到經濟自由化與政治民主化的影響,中技社轉投資成立中鼎工程公司,並成為台灣唯一立足海外市場的大型工程公司。基此,本文試圖了解國家、中技社、中鼎工程公司三者之間的互動關係,釐清國家在工程服務業發展過程中所扮演的角色。 在研究方法的選擇上,本文係以企業發展史做為研究途徑,故選擇歷史分析與次級資料分析為核心方法,而為對研究問題能有更深入、完整的認識,本文亦與幾位業界人士進行深度訪談。 本文發現,國家機器面對威權走向民主體制的變遷,以及全球化的挑戰時,介入工程服務業的強度逐漸衰弱。除此之外,不同於過往發展型國家與產業關係的討論,本文認為,國家在整體工程產業並未有太多積極作為,甚至成為工程產業國際化的障礙。因此,中鼎的發展並非完全呼應傳統的發展型國家理論,某種程度上,更是源自其本身的能動性。而中鼎能動性的激發是基於國際政治情勢的改變,以及國家為其安排的石化發展路線等偶然性因素。 最後,本研究將政府推行工程服務業之現行政策,與我國工程業者之建議進行比較,期國家機器未來能夠提供符合業界需求之政策工具。


During the past authoritarian regime in Taiwan, the state governed with hegemony and led the economic development, and this made Taiwan theoretical paradigm of "Developmental State". The development of engineering services is embedded in this historical context. The state cultivated "China Technical Consultants, Inc." on purpose to participate in the major domestic public construction. After China Technical Consultants, Inc. reinvested to CTCI Corporation, it became the first Taiwan engineering company gaining footholds in overseas markets. Based on this, the thesis attempts to discuss with the interaction among the state, China Technical Consultants, Inc., and CTCI, and to clarify the role of the state in engineering services. The research methods this thesis used are historical and secondary data analysis. Besides, this thesis also applies in-depth interview in order to obtain more complete understanding of the problematic of this thesis. The result of this thesis has shown that when the state faced the democratic transition and globalization, the intensity of the state involved in engineering services has gradually weakened. In addition, unlike the discussion of relation between "Developmental State" and industry in the past, the opinion of this thesis pointed out that the state did not offer positive policies in the overall engineering industry, and even became the obstacle to the engineering services exportation. Therefore, the success of CTCI was not entirely like the traditional discourse of "Developmental State Theory", but derived from its agency. However, the agency of CTCI is based on the contingency factors such as the changes in the international political situation, and the setting of development route on petrochemical by the state. At last, this thesis compared the current policies in engineering services with the suggestions from the industry, in order to anticipate that the state could offer the appropriate policy instruments in the future.


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