  • 學位論文


Discussing the Local Sustainability from the Viewpoint of the Growing Guesthouse Industry in Penghu

指導教授 : 於幼華


澎湖民宿興起現象在地方是顯著且重要的,其代表的是地方中小型資本更容易從事觀光相關產業,觀光會更深入而廣泛地在各地及居民間發生影響。研究觀察到民宿興起帶來好的影響,是島嶼的轉機,以往發展失衡下的環境破壞、社會機制不健全、經濟損益不均等狀況,藉由強調環境、重新檢視地方資源、創造地方共榮等等不同理念的民宿經營,會在地方發生影響,而喚起人們對地方永續發展的意識,再藉由地方交流活絡而集結力量,實質地改善地方重要議題。 研究分析認為民宿帶來好的影響,在於(1)重視服務品質並使旅遊選擇多元化,而有助於遊客旅遊活動的改善;(2)開拓新興小眾及淡季旅遊,且增加回流客源、刺激既有業者提升,而有助於旅遊市場的健全;(3) 不僅為地方增加經濟效益、提升人力素質,更促使人們重視地方資源、帶入好的觀念,回饋地方的方式不只在於實質利益,更在於藉由交流將影響範圍擴大;(4)促使青壯人口更有機會返鄉、傳統產業沒落得以轉入觀光業,使經營者得以兼顧經濟及理想,而有助其留居當地、獲得較好的發展。 民宿興起雖帶來地方永續發展的新契機,然而澎湖民宿經營困境甚多,且民宿數量的快速增加,但多元性增加有限、業者素質參差,卻是地方發展的隱憂,加上地方不同議題及各面向的困境,唯有推動地方永續發展才能尋求根本的改善。 推動澎湖地方永續發展,尤需改善公部門規劃領導能力、提升民間活力、加強公眾參與及永續意識,業者由於有較強的動機、較多元的想法、較多的交流機會,尤應率先投入地方永續發展促進的進程中,例如:持續提升經營內涵、擴大關懷層面、發揮影響促進社會公平、形成良性循環等;公部門則以提供環境、有效領導與組織為要務,其豐沛的行政資源、在地方的合法正當性,使其扮演推動地方永續發展的關鍵角色;在地參與是成功的地方永續發展推動要件,不僅居民要多加討論交流,民間組織以其組織規劃、知識傳遞等功能,尤應積極參與地方永續發展的進程。 不同於其他研究從政府或NGOs的角度而探討地方永續發展,本研究從業者的角度切入探討,與地方連結較深的民宿業者帶來諸多好的影響,似可成為地方永續發展推動的一大助力,然而個別的力量及影響畢竟有限,業者的經濟考量也較重,要進一步推動地方永續發展,必得以組織的力量、地方不同群體的網絡連結、公私部門的共同努力,才稱得上是地方永續發展進程的開始。


Penghu County is composed by environmentally vulnerable islands and face some problems such as resource shortage, the failure of administrative management, and weak social structure. Tourism dominates the economy of Penghu for years, but most residents were hardly benefited. Since the imbalance of development in Penghu is getting worse, promoting sustainability issues is substantial to make things better. In recent years, the guesthouse industry in Penghu is booming and arouses some favorable influences. For the local, more economic activities are created and tighter social networks are formed. The guesthouse industry makes people engage in tourism easier. Therefore, middle-aged people may have the chance to change career from traditional industry to tourism and the youth could comeback home and make a living in Penghu. For tourists, their travel experiences are considerably improved since that the guesthouse industry provides a wide selection of accommodation and attractions. Moreover, the guesthouse industry opens up new markets such as small group tours and off-season markets. Though some guesthouses’ operations contribute a lot to the local sustainability, individual actions are far from powerful enough. Toward sustainable development, the participation of local authorities, groups, communities, and private sectors is essential. Among them, the local authority plays a key role because of its legitimacy and control of administrative resources. Environmental, commercial and other kinds of groups will definitely achieve more when taking sustainable development seriously. Residents’ awareness of sustainability can be sensitized by modeling and guiding. The private sectors should promote more sustainable approaches and can achieve much more than individuals by associating resources in an environmentally-harmony way. Because many guesthouses in Penghu are hosted by local people with various ideas and local concerns, the booming of them may bring not only economic interests but the recognition of environmental, social and cultural value. First and most important, open meetings should be held often to let good opinions be heard and widespread. In this way, positive trend could be enhanced and common consensus is easier to arrive at. Promoting the local sustainability is a long progress and worth our struggling. As the essay presented, the growing guesthouse industry may provide a pleasant viewpoint toward the local sustainability, even though more left to be done.




