  • 學位論文


Prediction of Lateral Load Displacement Curve of Reinforced Concrete Wall with Boundary Elements

指導教授 : 黃世建


台灣傳統鋼筋混凝土住宅為滿足使用性與私密性等需求,內部有大量之牆構件,其中又以開孔牆之形式居多。由於建築系統多採用梁柱構架,因此牆均為填充牆,其有兩側之柱作為邊界構材。在新建設計與既有建築之評估與補強方面均不可忽略開孔RC牆,以及邊界構材對開孔牆暨無開孔牆之耐震貢獻。   本研究之目的為開發一套開孔RC剪力牆之側力位移曲線預測模型,並將其應用於結構耐震能力分析上。工程師評估開孔牆之耐震能力時,可使用本研究之建議,劃分出主控破壞之牆段,並建立其與邊界構材之互制關係,最後形成開孔牆之側力位移曲線,將相關參數輸入分析軟體來模擬開孔牆之剪力行為。   自實驗文獻可發現邊界柱對剪力牆之剪力強度確有貢獻,日本AIJ規範亦將剪力牆邊界柱之相關參數納入強度計算公式中。本研究之側力位移曲線預測模型提供了考量邊界柱抗剪貢獻的方式,因此對於帶有邊界構材之開孔牆與無開孔牆,均能對其抗震能力作較為準確之評估。


To fulfill the demand of privacy and serviceability, huge amount of wall members were used in traditional reinforce concrete residential building in Taiwan. Most of them are walls with openings. Due to the prevailing of frame system, the shear strength of those infilled wall are strongly influenced by the boundary elements. Therefore, for the building design and retrofitting, the effect of boundary elements on the shear strength of infilled walls cannot be neglected. The objective of this research is to propose a model of lateral load displacement curve of RC shear wall. For the evaluation of seismic capacity of walls with openings, the proposed model can first define the critical segment, then construct the interaction relationship between wall segment and boundary elements, and finally form lateral load deflection curve of the wall. The proposed lateral load displacement curve can be used for the pushover analysis. Literatures show that the influential effect of boundary elements to shear capacity of walls is significant. AIJ code also defines some parameters of boundary element into design shear strength equation of shear wall. The lateral load displacement curve proposed by this research includes the contribution of boundary elements to shear capacity of shear wall. Therefore, the proposed model provides better estimations for shear walls with boundary elements.


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