  • 學位論文


The Opportunities and Challenges of Citizen Participation: The Institutionalization of Deliberative Democracy in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林子倫


今日,在代議政治運作愈顯侷促,人民的政治參與簡化為投票的零和遊戲;加上對公共政策欠缺思辨討論與參與的空間,政府決策與人民期待往往出現斷層,某種程度上,審議民主理念與討論形式的引進,似乎為解決代議民主的矛盾與公民參與的困境,提供了一個抒發的管道與出口。然而,回顧審議民主發展歷程,隨著各類議題、各種層級場域的嘗試,以及各類會議模式操作的愈趨成熟,審議民主在台灣,已逐漸進入面臨是否進入體制內運作的階段。 因此,本文主要探討審議民主的制度化議題,所關注的是審議民主在政策程序上的制度連結問題。換言之,能否透過適當的制度設計,將公民審議穩定而有系統的導入現有決策體制內運作,藉以建構穩定的政策說理的循環機制,提升與深化民主治理的效益。研究發現,審議民主與現行的決策體制間雖然尚未產生很大的衝突,但公民審議機制的制度設計與連結形式上,在在都牽動不同決策機關之間,在組織架構、職權性質、以及互動關係的差異。因此,官僚體系的制度誘因、決策的課責問題、法制面的調整與建構、以及整體的社會條件的影響因素,勢必都是未來審議民主依循制度化所要面臨的關鍵問題。 此外,審議民主的制度化不只是制度本身的建構,更需要諸多政治與社會文化條件的配合與支撐。透過對於公務體系關於民主行政理念的灌輸、常民知識的蒐集與整理、經費與人才的投入、公民教育的強化、公共討論的持續推動、以及媒體所帶動的擴散效應等,方能有助於公民審議機制的穩定運作,為台灣長遠民主深化與公共思辨孕育新的動能。


In representative politics, people's political participation has been simplified into voting zero-sum game, so government decisions are often unable to meet people’s expectation with the lack of discussion on public policies. To some extent, the introduction of the concept and form of deliberative democracy seems to provide another way for people to face the contradiction and plight between representative democracy and citizen participation. However, reviewing the process of democratic developments, we can find with the rising of various increasingly mature issues, levels of field experiments, and conference mode operation, deliberative democracy in Taiwan is now faced with the problem whether to enter the stage of the operation within the system. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the institutionalization of deliberative democracy issues and concerns the system-link problem of deliberative democracy in the policy process. In other words, it tries to examine if the citizen deliberation can steadily and systematically be imported into the existing decision-making system so as to build a stable circulation mechanism of policy reasoning, and promote democratic governance effectiveness through a proper system design. The results show that deliberative democracy hasn’t had a radical conflict with the existing decision-making system yet. However, the institutional designs and system-link forms of citizen deliberation are affected by the differences of organizational structures, terms, and interaction among different decision-making bodies. Therefore, the inducement of bureaucracy system, the accountability of decision-making, the adjustment and construction of the legal system, and the general social conditions are the key issues bound to be faced with when deliberative democracy follows the route of institutionalization in the future. In addition, the institutionalization of deliberative democracy not only concerns the construction of the system itself, but also requires a lot of collaboration and support of political, social and cultural conditions. Only through the instilling the ideas of democratic administration in civil system, the collection and arrangement of lay knowledge, the input of funds and manpower, the strengthening of civic education, the continued promoting of public discussion, and the spill-over effects from media and so on, can citizen deliberative mechanism have stable operation so as to become a new momentum to boost the long-term deepening of democracy and public speculation in Taiwan.




