  • 學位論文


Industrial Land Use Design Planning for Urban Technology Park with a Transit Station: A Case of Beitou-Shilin Technology Park

指導教授 : 溫裕弘


都市科技園區係指運用都市區內用地開發以知識密集產業為基礎同時以科技研發為導向之科學技術園區,其往往面臨都市土地資源寶貴、且受限於周邊現有土地使用與交通運輸系統之問題。都市科技園區雖有極高之經濟效益,但也可能衍生大量的旅次發生,對區內與鄰近區域帶來的旅次成長、交通衝擊難以預期。過去文獻中,科技園區、工業區的產業土地使用規劃上,較缺乏預先考慮園區內運輸問題;而運輸與土地使用規劃研究則較少針對都市科技園區進行研究,因此對於土地資源有限之都市科技園區的土地使用規劃,確具有研究價值與空間。 本研究主要因應都市科技園區初步規劃階段,試將運輸區位整合於土地使用設計規劃問題。模式中考量都市科技園區產業產值最大化與可及性成本最小化為目標,探討科技園區內產業與運輸土地使用之區位。本研究透過兩階段方式進行求解,並以最小成本流量問題進行路網規劃。在多目標規劃求解上以權重法設定不同權重組合進行模式求解,藉此探討面對都市科技園區產值與交通可及性之權衡取捨時,園區內產業與運輸土地使用之配置。此外,考慮在科技園區初步規劃階段,對進駐產業之產值與產業旅次發生不確定性,本研究亦建立灰色多目標0-1整數規劃模式。 數值範例分析結果顯示,都市科技園區土地使用規劃結果可反映兩目標式權衡取捨率,當都市科技園區土地使用規劃考慮運輸場站時,其運輸場站土地使用規劃會落於整體園區較中心之區位;而在產業土地使用方面,當權重較偏重考慮運輸土地使用時,園區能提供服務性功能產業較多。情境分析結果顯示若園區提升大眾運輸使用率時,整體科技園區產值將會提升,同時可及性成本也會大幅下降。本研究考慮園區運輸土地使用以及都市未來交通策略的發展,進行都市科技園區土地使用規劃,可提供規劃者在規劃都市科技園區土地使用之決策參考基礎。


Over the past decade, an increasing number of cities and counties have undertaken detailed industrial land use studies for urban technology park planning. The rapid growth of urban science and technology parks has resulted in the tremendous economic benefits; however, they also have produced transportation problems and social and environmental impacts. As the space availability in the new urban technology park is limited and scarce, the selection of high-efficient industries and the traffic impact analysis have become important issues for urban technology park planning. However, few studies have been done in discussing the integrated industrial land use design problem for urban technology park. This study attempts to develop a series of models to program industrial land-use spatial allocation optimization and evaluate transportation network flow allocation. In the first phase of this study, a spatial allocation optimization towards the land use design problem is developed by using grey multiobjective programming. Maximizing industrial value and minimizing access costs are taken into consideration. In the second phase, a minimum cost flow problem is developed to solve network flow allocation. The results of this study showed the trade-off between benefits of industrial and accessibility. When consider the accessibility of the transit station in urban technology park, it will be allocated on the middle area of the park. This study provides a comprehensive planning framework to determine land-use design for urban technology park planning. The proposed models provide ways by which government can evaluate urban technology park development and positioning. In addition, it is envisaged that the results of this study may shed light on industrial land use design.


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