  • 學位論文


A Study of Implementing Customer Relationship Management

指導教授 : 黃明達


顧客是企業的資產也是收益的來源,對企業而言,留住既有客戶比開發新客戶更有利。研究指出開發新客戶的成本要比保持舊客戶的成本高出6到9倍;而且根據80/20法則,企業有80%的獲利來自於20%的客戶。因此,許多企業相繼導入顧客關係管理(CRM, Customer Relationship Management)系統,以求透過資訊化的方式,找出對公司最有利益的客戶並提升顧客滿意度。 然而,導入顧客關係管理的失敗率估計大於65%。降低失敗率和支持資訊系統的成功,是資訊從業人員和研究者的最終目標。以往大多數的研究著重於定義資訊系統成功的相關因素,例如:關鍵成功因素(CSF, Critical Success Factors),較少對於資訊系統導入可能遭遇問題進行研究。 本研究擬藉由個案S公司導入CRM的實務經驗,進行問卷調查與深入訪談,透過相關文獻探討與整理,探討導入CRM可能遭遇的關鍵問題;研究結果顯示,導入CRM可能遭遇問題前三名依序為「使用者參與」不足、「資源投入」不足、「變革管理」不足,期望企業未來導入CRM時,能透過參考本研究降低失敗的機率。


CRM 顧客關係管理


Customers are company's assets and also sources of revenue. Many companies implement Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to find the most profitable customers and improve customers' satisfaction. However, the failure rate of CRM implementations is estimated to be greater than 65%. Lowering the failure rate and supporting the success of information systems (IS) are the ultimate goals of IS practitioners and researchers. Most previous research in the area has focused on identifying factors such as critical success factors (CSFs) that are correlated with IS success. There has been little research on how IS implementation may encounter problems. This research is going to do questionnaire surveys and interviews from the experience of implementing CRM of case of company S to discuss the key problems might encounter when implementing CRM. The research's result shows the three most possible problems are inadequate user participation, inadequate resource investment and inadequate change management. We hope companies which are going to implement CRM can refer to this research to lower their possible to fail.


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