  • 學位論文


The Strategies of Applying Services Account System to Distribution Channels - An Example from A Semiconductor Distributor

指導教授 : 蔡政言


中文摘要:電子產業因半導體 (積體電路)的快速發展,產品不斷向輕、薄、短、小方 向發展;加上量產技術進步,效率及良率提升,產品產量也大幅提升。自市場 主流從個人電腦PC(Personal Computer) 移轉到資訊家電IA(Information Appliance)商品,跨系統應用技術整合,配合個人化市場趨勢,呈現多樣化趨勢,各種電子商品琳瑯滿目;由以上的觀察可以得知為因應電子產業的快速變遷,產業面需要更大的營運資金與更具規模與彈性的營運計畫,居於製造商與使用者之間的通路商,所扮演的的角色也日趨重要。 本文針對台灣半導體通路商,面對市場快速變遷,從少樣、少量的業務作業模式,轉換成多樣大量的營運模式,探索其經營策略因素;是否隨著整個電子產業變遷而有所變更;隨著市場趨勢,除了加強客戶服務與物流及金流外,是否還有其他核心技能可以讓企業成功。 在此論文以通路商、製造商、客戶、外部環境、內部環境等面向,瞭解客戶服務系統對經營策略的重要性,並且瞭解其間的關聯性和實際的操作作法,並提出通路商應重視的經營策略。


客戶服務 經營策略


Abstract: Fast development because of the semiconductor of electronic industry which products are being developed in the light, thin, short, small direction developing. The production technology progresses day by day, and efficiency and yeild rate are raised, the large quantity of the amount of production of the products improves Since the market mainstream moves and turns into Information Appliance goods from Personal Computer. The application technology of different systems is combined, add the trend of individualized market, diversified trends appear. There are a lot of different electronic goods that we can know by the characters of the above. In order to deal with the changing fast of electronic industry, need larger operation fund and more elastic operation plan the industry. The distributer between the manufacturer and user, the role of the ones that act is important day by day. This thesis, Taiwan semiconductor distributer is changed fast in the face of the market. From few kind, a small amount of business way, change into a large various quantity operation way, explore its management tactics factor; Whether have had some change with whole electronic industry's changes, with the market trend, besides strengthening customer service and logistics and gold flowing, Whether other key skills make enterprises succeed. This thesis uses distributer, manufacturer, customer, external environment condition, inside environment, etc., Find out about the importance to the management tactics of customer service system, and understand the related and real way of doing things of operation during that time, suggest the management tactics that distributer should be paid attention to.


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羅辛耕(2017)。兩岸矽晶圓通路產業競爭策略研究 -以A公司為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2017.00916
